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    Healthy Seniors Can Live Long Lives

    Dr. Ghaly checks the vital statistics of Beatrice Cuellar, who plans a long and healthy life by following her physician’s recommendations for staying healthy.

    (LOS ANGELES) – Age 65 may be the official beginning of life as a senior citizen, but those who pay good attention to their health can live 20, 30 or more years after they reach that milestone.

    The keys to a long life are paying careful attention to the medications one takes, and maintaining a healthy diet, said Dr. Azmy Ghaly, owner of Senior Care Clinic in East Los Angeles. Exercise can also go a long ways in boosting longevity.

    “Seniors are living longer because if we diagnose early, there are medications and new technologies that can cure their diseases,” Dr. Ghaly explained. “But we still have bad habits that need to be addressed.”

    Senior Care Clinic, a practice specializing in senior citizens, works with its patients to help them make choices that will lead to long, healthy lives. Whether this is by using the latest advances in medications and technology, advising them on healthy lifestyle choices, or simply caring for each patient as an individual, Senior Care Clinic is held in high regard by the senior citizens who already rely on it for medical care.

    “We love it here,” said Carlos and Beatrice Cuellar, who have been patients at Senior Care Clinic for six years. “The doctors, the service, everything here is fantastic.”

    Besides providing friendly service and expertise in the latest medical breakthroughs, doctors at Senior Care Clinic make sure they have complete medical histories for their patients. This includes keeping inventory of medications their patients are taking.

    “Taking the right medications is crucial,” said Dr. Ghaly. “At Senior Care Clinic, doctors encourage their patients to bring ALL medications they take to every appointment. That way, the doctor can evaluate which ones are necessary, which ones aren’t, which ones might cause harmful interactions with others, and which ones are not helpful.”

    “Sometimes it is necessary for a patient to take three or four medications for diabetes, and five or six for high blood pressure,” he added. “But as doctors, we should not assume things, so bring in the medications every time.”

    “It is also important to watch your diet as you get older,” Dr. Ghaly said. “Most senior citizens need 1,800 calories, those with diabetes only need 1,500. Seniors (and others) should eat three balanced meals each day, low in sodium and cholesterol. Senior women should have a high-calcium diet, as this reduces their risk for osteoporosis.”

    Exercise is not as essential as proper medication and a healthy diet, according to Dr. Ghaly, but for most seniors, it will greatly improve their quality of life.

    “Exercise can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes,” he said. “And if you have arthritis, it can help your joints to feel better. It also can help a senior’s mental well-being, as seniors who walk are less dependent on others for their needs.”

    With proper medical care, diet and physical activity, seniors will live well into their golden years.

    Senior Care Clinic was established in East Los Angeles in 1994, and is affiliated with nearby White Memorial Medical Center. A staff of four physicians, headed by Dr. Azmy Ghaly, handles all geriatric health care needs. Physicians are fluent in Spanish and several other foreign languages.

    Appointments are welcome, but not necessary. For more information about Senior Care Clinic, call (323) 307-0800.


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