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    Free Art Classes, Drawing Dreams

    “Learn how to draw the human form at the Art Institute of California-Inland Empire’s Life Drawing class on Saturday, Aug. 16.”
    (SAN BERNADINO, Calif.) Being able to draw a live human model is an important skill for any artist, however, not all artists have the change to practice this type of drawing.
    In the spirit of leading by example, the Art Institute of California –Inland Empire is hosting an artists’ workshop on Saturday, October 18, from 1-5 p.m.
    This workshop gives local artists a chance to try their hand at life drawing and will be held at the Art Institute of California-Inland Empire free charge to the public.
    “Many artists are greatly creative but lack focus,” Santosh Oommen, Academic Director of Media Arts & Animation. “Our goal is to help make better artists. Offering workshops give these artists a chance to focus their raw creative talent.”
    Life Drawing workshops are usually offered on the third Saturday of every month. There are 21 seats available for each class. The workshop is open to the public; the only requirement is that you are 15 years old or above and that you bring your own pencils and drawing paper.
    “Our commitment is to helping artist in the Inland Empire improve their talents. This workshop, for artists as young as 15 years old, will help them to further their development of with the skills they need.” Said Oommen, academic director of media artist animation of The Art Institute of California – Inland Empire.
    The workshop involves drawing from a live figure and covers topics such as anatomy and gestures. To sign up for the Life Drawing workshop, or for more information, call The Art Institute of California – Inland Empire at (909) 915-2100.

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