State Senator Gloria Negrete-McLeod – Keynote Speaker
State Assembly Member Wilmer Amina Carter – Keynote Speaker
Dr. Maxwell Ohikhuare, Public Health Officer for San Bernardino County – speaker
Sheriann Ferguson, manager of Countrywide Home Loans in Colton – speaker
Rialto Unified School District Governing Board Member Joanne Gilbert – Speaker
Fontana City Council Member Acquanetta Warren – speaker
Dr. Diane Woods, president and founder of African-American Health Initiative of San Bernardino County – Speaker
Rialto City Councilman Ed Palmer – Host
Rialto City Councilwoman Deborah Robertson – Host
Rialto City Clerk Barbara McGee – Speaker and Host

(RIALTO, Calif.) Three Rialto city leaders will observe Women’s History Month (March) with a focus on women of today.
Rialto City Council members Deborah Robertson and Ed Palmer and City Clerk Barbara McGee are hosting the third annual “State of Women: A Dialogue Between Women” conference Saturday, March 7 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Rialto Senior Center, 1141 Riverside Ave., Rialto.
The main speakers for this event are State Senator Gloria Negrete-McLeod and Assembly Member Wilmer Amina Carter. These women are two of only a few women in the Inland Empire holding state elected offices, and both representing Rialto.
“In November of 2006, for the first time, we finally had a woman representing us in the State Senate and another woman representing us in the Assembly,” Robertson said. “I thought then it was time to tap into a wonderful resource, to highlight during Women’s’ History Month in March of 2007.”
As they did the previous two years, State Senator Negrete-McLeod and Assembly member Carter, as well as other speakers will provide information about issues that are important to women.
There will be other speakers in the areas of health, employment, education, politics, family and finances. These speakers include:
- Rialto City Clerk Barbara McGee
- Rialto School Board member Joanne Gilbert
- Southern California Edison Regional Manager Beverly Powell.
- Dr. Diane Woods, director of the African-American Health Institute of San Bernardino County
- Dr. Maxwell Ohikhuare, Public Health Officer for San Bernardino County
- Sherrian Johnson, home loan consultant/sales manager of Countrywide Home Loans in Colton
- Acquanetta Warren, Fontana City Council member
Lunch will be catered by the Complete Health Food Store, owned by Barbara Frenard, a woman-owned business in Rialto. Healthy Rialto, San Bernardino County Public Health, Brothers and Sisters in Action (BASIA), the South Coast Air Quality Management District, The Gas Company, Southern California Edison and the Rialto Redevelopment and Housing Agency will have information available.
Seating is limited, so those who wish to attend should RSVP as soon as possible by calling (909) 820-2519 or emailing bmcgee@rialtoca.gov
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