Carl Morrison, president of the California Home Economics Education Foundation, presents a $750 scholarship to Mayra Avelar. Photo by Carl Dameron

(FRESNO, Calif.) Four members of FHA-HERO, including the 2008-2009 State President, received special honor as scholarship recipients during the State Leadership Meeting held recently in Fresno.
Outgoing State President Emily Mastrolia, a senior at Deer Valley High School in Antioch, received a $2,000 in scholarships. She received the $1,000 FHA-HERO Leadership Scholarship and one of two $1,000 State Officer scholarships.
Bridget Deaton, a senior at Bret Harte High School in Angels Camp and the outgoing State historian, received the other $1,000 State Officer scholarship.
Kristy Lynn Meade, a senior at Big Valley High School in Beiber, received a $1,000 Blake Kelley Memorial and Leadership Scholarship and Mayra Avelar, a senior at Edison High School in Fresno, received a $750 California Home Economics Education Foundation scholarship.
Emily said her two passions are helping others as a leader and designing things, such as fashion and interiors.
It was the design passion that led her to become involved in FHA-HERO, but her desire to help others that led her to leadership positions in the organization.
“I have had the opportunity as state president to help people learn and grow and most importantly, develop a passion for what they love,” she said. “I would not be the confident leader I am today without the help and training I have received through FHA-HERO.”
She plans to attend Brigham Young University – Idaho and obtain a degree in Interior Design.
Kristy served as FHA-HERO’s Region 2 Secretary during the 2008-2009 school year, and previously held several offices in the Big Valley chapter, including president. She plans to study Family and Consumer Science in college and to become a Home Economics Careers and Technology teacher.
Mayra, who served as vice president of the Edison chapter during 2008-2009 school year, also plans to become a Home Economics Careers and Technology teacher, with an emphasis on fashion courses. She has twice won awards at the state level in FHA-HERO’s Competitive Recognition Events for Fashion Design.
There are more than 750 schools offering the Home Economics Careers and Technology program in California, serving more than 300,000 students. Many of these also offer the co-curricular student leadership and career development program FHA-HERO. For more information, call State Adviser Janice DeBenedetti at (916) 323-5025.
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