What's the best time to hold a seminar/webinar?

Susan McDevitt (third from right), executive director of Mary Erickson Community Housing and San Bernardino Mayor Patrick Morris (right), cut the ribbon on Eastpointe Village as other local dignitaries watch. The dignitaries are, from left, Carey Jenkins, director of Housing and Community Development for the San Bernardino Economic Development Association; Jim Yerdon, community development specialist with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; Doug Bystry, chairman of the board of directors for Mary Erickson Community Housing, Jerry Paresa, executive director of governmental relations for San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, and Lynn Valbuena, vice chairman of San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. Eastpointe Village is a new apartment complex near 19th and Sunrise in San Bernardino, available to families making up to $32,500 yearly for a family of four. Mary Erickson Community Housing, in partnership with the San Bernardino Economic Development Agency, is creating Eastpointe Village by renovating 25 fourplexes in the 19th and Sunrise neighborhood, with funds the Economic Development Agency obtained through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Photo by Matt Sloan
What’s the solution to maximize your attendance? Here are my suggestions in order of preference.
Option 1
Hold four seminars/webinars at four times: Breakfast, mid-morning, lunch and early evening on the same day or the same week. Then post the best presentation on-line with sign-ins to collect contact information.
Option 2
Create a Survey Monkey Research instrument and send to all of your prospects. Hold the seminar at the best time for responders and then post the presentation on-line with sign-ins to collect contact information.
Option 3
Hold the seminar at lunch time and then post the presentation on-line with sign-ins to collect contact information.
Select the answer that fists your ability to perform.
Good luck!
Carl Dameron
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