32 Companies Set to Recruit at Centerpoint Church Community Job Fair

Job seekers are asked to register online at job-fair.centerpointmurrieta.com to help match them with the right employers and ensure space for them at the Centerpoint Church Job Fair.
(Murrieta, CA) Centerpoint Church in Murrieta has 32 top ranked local companies set to recruit employees at their Job Fair on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Register online at job-fair.centerpointmurrieta.com
Full and part time positions are available in: Administration, Clerical, Customer Service, Education, Financial Services, Healthcare/Nursing, Law Enforcement, Management, Manufacturing, Non Profit, Retail, Sales and more.
The list of confirmed employers, Colleges, resource providers, Universities and trade schools and include:
- American Independent Life
- American Solar Direct
- California Colleges
- California Corrections Department
- Centerpoint Church
- Child Care Careers
- Computer Training Academy
- Culligan Water
- Devry Institute
- EDD – State of California Employment Development Department
- Fashion Institute
- Home Depot
- Legal Shield
- Los Angeles County -Medical Services
- Los Angeles Police Department
- Nerium
- New York Life
- Prudential credit insurance
- Riverside County Sheriff
- Roadmasters
- Robertson’s Trucking
- San Diego Christian College
- San Diego Sheriff
- Solar City
- Terminix
- The Fab School
- The Welks Resort
- Time Warner Cable
- Transamerica
- Trinity Law School
- TRL Systems
- Westcliff University

Register early to attend free Job Seeker Workshops, presented in partnership with the DeVry University. The Job Seeker Workshops will cover topics such as creating a resume, interviewing skills, and how to dress for that important interview.
The Centerpoint Church Job Fair is Wednesday, February 11, 2014 from 10-2. In Murrieta CA.
The Job Fair also has free Job Seeker Workshops, presented in partnership with the DeVry University. The Job Seeker Workshops will cover topics including: creating a resume, interviewing skills, and how to dress for that important interview.
Job seekers are asked to register online at job-fair.centerpointmurrieta.com to help match them with the right employers and ensure space for them at the Centerpoint Church Job Fair.
For more information about Centerpoint Church in Murrieta go online to http://www.centerpointmurrieta.com/#/home
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