Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast & “Civil Rights Freedom Ride”

After the Breakfast the celebration will reconvene at The Dr. Martin Luther King Statue at San Bernardino City Hall at 300 North D Street, at approximately 10:30 a.m. photo by Carl Dameron
We invite the entire city to join us at our new location, Cal State University San Bernardino, come out and help us salute a man’s whose legacy continues to thrive in our hearts as we work together to build a better world.
This year we are asking all to join us in a spectacular reenactment of a “Civil Rights Freedom Ride” to City Hall on OmniTrans sbX bus for our after breakfast festivities at approximately 10:30am for the program and our “March’ around the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. statue located in front of San Bernardino City Hall. Guided by our own 6th Ward Council member Rikke Van Johnson.
OmniTrans has so graciously provided coupons to travel from Cal State University San Bernardino, to City Hall and back, to culminate our celebration activities as we traditionally do in a final “March” around the statue. This year’s program feature includes, Patrick Jewett renowned artist, who will tell you short stories about Dr. Rosa Parks and her contribution to the civil rights era and also his endeavor to commemorate her memory. Mrs. Vickie Lee-Nichols will render and explosive drama rendition depicting the periods of which the civil rights and recent tragedies have given us hope!
Please contact our office at 909-474-7036 to purchase a ticket or table for the breakfast, or to sign up for a coupon for the “Civil Rights Freedom Ride”. We are still accepting sponsorship especially tables to be provided for youth. This is an educational opportunity event you will not want to miss, your youth, or family to lose out on. A generational experience, to treasure for years to come!
The bus route map can be found on the back of our latest fliers, and coupons can be received with a ticket purchase, or prior notification by contacting the office to sign up.
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