It’s not To Late to Make A Happy Christmas for A Needy Child

Arlene and Priscilla Delgado, ages 4 and 8, each used their savings to purchase Christmas toys for a less fortunate child through the Salvation Army San Bernardino Corp’s Giving Tree program at Inland Center Mall. Help the Salvation Army obtain more toys for children in need by going to the Giving Tree by Dec. 24. Photo by Kelly Silvestri-Raabe
(SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.) It’s not to late to make a Happy Christmas for a child. Giving a toy to a needy child. It a small gesture, but participating in The Salvation Army’s Giving Tree will make this Christmas memorable for children in need. Without your help, some children won’t get anything for Christmas.
“Just pick up an Angel Giving Tree tag and buy a needy child the gift listed on the tag! The Angel Giving Tree matches donors with hundreds of children who are relying on The Salvation Army this year to bring them a Merry Christmas,” said Major Daniel Henderson, Corps officer for the San Bernardino Salvation Army.
The San Bernardino Corps Giving Tree is at Inland Center Mall in San Bernardino, 500 Inland Center Drive in San Bernardino, 92408. Donations received here provide toys to children from 300 disadvantaged families in San Bernardino, Rialto, Highland, Grand Terrace, Colton, Fontana and Bloomington.
“Please support disadvantaged children with a Christmas gifts at the Giving Tree by visiting our table in the Inland Center Mall and fulfilling the wishes of a child till December 24th,” said Lt Cathie McCully.
Shoppers find cards attached to the Giving Tree. These cards include the names and wish lists of needy children whose families cannot afford to buy gifts. Shoppers simply pluck a tag off the Giving Tree and head for the appropriate store to purchase their gift donations, then return it to the Giving Tree volunteers.
Shoppers get to keep the card as an ornament to hang on their own Christmas tree, reminding them of their good deed.
“This is a great way to start a tradition with your family, by selecting a gift for a needy child together. The gifts are based on their individual wishes and for some children, it may be the only gift they receive all year,” said Lt McCully.
“Soccer balls, dolls and clothes are just a few items on each child’s wish list,” said Major Henderson. “Shoppers who participate in the program are encouraged to shop for more than what is needed on the list. I can’t think of a better way for local people including business owners and managers to help the community and spread the spirit of Christmas.”
For more information on the Giving Tree call (909) 888-1336 or visit the tree in the Inland Center Mall in San Bernardino. To donate money by phone call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (800-725-2769). Donate on line at:
About the Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps
The Salvation Army may provide emergency services including food; lodging for homeless or displaced families; clothing and furniture; assistance with rent or mortgage and transportation when funds are available. The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) assists rescue workers and evacuees in such disasters as fires.
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church, and offers evangelical programs for boys, girls and adults. One of the largest charitable and international service organizations in the world, The Salvation Army has been in existence since 1865 and in San Bernardino since 1887, supporting those in need without discrimination. Donations may always be made online at or by calling 1-(800)-SAL-ARMY. Our local number is (909) 888-1336.
Tags: charity, christmas, Gift, giving, help, homless, hopeless, hungry, Needy, Present, salvation army, tree
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