Carl Dameron Morns Our Losses and Honors the Heroes of 9/11

Carl M. Dameron Founder and creative director of Dameron Communications Photo by Robert A. Whitehead/CSUSB
Inland Empire, Calif.– The heroes of September 11th, 2001 include firefighters and police officers who showed their courage by running into flaming buildings to save those who they could. Private citizens who lead frightened people down dark staircases for dozens of flights. Some went back up those dangerous stars to lead more people to safety and never returned.
“The heroes of 9/11 include the passengers of the hijacked and doomed United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco who refused to be used as weapons against this nation. They sacrificed their lives to protect untold lives in Washington D.C.,” said Carl M. Dameron president of Dameron Communications.
“The men and women who died at the Pentagon and the twin towers in New York City were killed by cowards who used terror to attack this nation. The terrorist attempted to cause fear and division among us,” said Dameron. “Terrorist still don’t understand that Americans come together in crisis. We will not be intimidated by any terrorist.”
On December 2, 2015,14 peoplewere killed, and 22 others were seriously injured in a terrorist mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino. “Again, our brave citizen heroes helped their fellow victims survive. Again, our law enforcement and firefighting heroes ran into danger to save people. Again, this nation found the terrorist responsible and brought them to justice,’ said Dameron.
“I celebrate the contribution of our heroes and morn the losses this nation experienced on September 11thand December 2nd. The United States I love, is place where we are not panicked by terror, but we come together to fight terrorist and injustice,’ said Dameron.
“The United States of America is a place that will not be bowed. We rebuilt on the site of the Twin Towers. We reopened the Inland Regional Center,” said Dameron. We work together to make life better an honor those who were murdered in the name of freedom.”
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