San Bernardino City Animal Shelter Peaceful Protest
Who: The San Bernardino Animal Care Foundation
What: San Bernardino City Animal Shelter Peaceful Protest
Where: San Bernardino Animal Shelter, 499 W E Orange Show Rd., San Bernardino, California 92408
Please park in the parking lot of Target closest to Chandler Place (right next to the SBC Shelter sign) corner of E Street and Chandler Place.
Why: To allow volunteers and rescues to take a more active role in assisting and helping the shelter so we can improve the conditions for the dogs and cats of the City of San Bernardino by requesting:
• Need new management with compassion, who will work with volunteers and rescues
• Allow beds and blankets for the dogs
• Provide sufficient food for the shelter animals
• Eliminate green fences that prevent owners and adopters from seeing the dogs in “protective custody” kennels
• Release the $700,000 in shelter repair funds and begin immediate necessary repairs
• Provide medication for the animals
• Bring back the volunteer groomer
• Provide a daily list of dogs and cats who are on the euthanasia list so that they can be rescued instead of euthanized immediately
Contact: Carl Dameron (909) 534-9500.
Kari Lee rescue and animal rights advocate
Tags: #DogSpace #CatsSpace #AnimalShelter #LuckyBoy #Cats #SaveTheAnimals #HumaneSociety #Dogs, #DogSpace #CatsSpace #AnimalShelter #LuckyBoy #Cats #SaveTheAnimals #HumaneSociety #Dogs#Cats
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