Rape, Incest, Beatings, Forced Child Marriage and Terror at Home

“I wrote this book to show children experiencing this horror the way out and to give encouragement to people who do not have a voice. It also shows health care workers, teachers and neighbors how to spot the signs of extreme child abuse,” said Wallace.
(LOS ANGELES, Calif.) What Happens in This House Stays in ThisHouseis a chilling phrase many children still hear their parents say. The words share the dark horrors Sheree Wallace experienced in her newly released novel of the same name.
“I want everyone who has experienced these childhood tortures to speak up about what happened in their homes that’s secretly affecting their lives and to get the help they need to find peace. It’s never too late to get help and achieve your dreams,” said Wallace.
What Happens In This House Stays In This Houseis the story of Wallace’s childhood in the 1980s and 90s, growing up in the ghettos of Indianapolis, Indiana. Wallace’s mother suffered from extreme mental health conditions and subjected Sheree to severe torture and abuse.
The horrors Wallace endured included rapes, sexual abuse by adult family members and friends, and multiple beatings with many objects including chains. Her Mom’s husband even forced a childhood marriage to an older man when she was just 12 years old.
To hide the violent abuse, she had inflicted on her children, Wallace’s mother hid them inside the house and home-schooled them.
“I wrote this book to show children experiencing this horror the way out and to give encouragement to people who do not have a voice. It also shows health care workers, teachers and neighbors how to spot the signs of extreme child abuse,” said Wallace.
Surviving these horrors was very difficult for Wallace. The book tells how she survived. She plans two additional books about her teen years and young adult life.
What Happens In This House Stays In This Houseis available now on Amazon, Kindle, iTunes, Apple books and Audible.
Editor’s note: For a book to review or interviews Contact Sheree Wallace @ (626) 267-0509 or WallaceSheree@yahoo.com
Tags: Beatings, child marriage, Forced Child Marriage and Terror, forced marriage, RapeIncest, terror at home