The California Women’s Conference is designed to benefit women from all walks of life – from the everyday woman to female entrepreneurs worldwide. It is intended to guide and serve women who are creating businesses, strengthening existing ones, and positively advancing their careers and the world around them. The women attending this conference do not wait for things to happen; instead they go out with intention and passion to make the next GREAT thing happen.
Long Beach, CA – The California Women’s Conference, debuting this Fall, is intended to be a forum for the world’s most influential voices, hearts and minds, and will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center on September 23-24th, 2012.This year’s theme is “The Women’s Economy Starts Here.”
This conference is intended to fill in the void left by the “California Governor & First Lady’s Conference on Women,” which, for most of its 27 year history, was a star-studded event hosted by California’s First Ladies.With each successive administration, the size and scope of the event grew exponentially. During the recent past, attendance mushroomed to tens of thousands and sold out within hours of opening ticket sales. It established itself as the largest conference of its kind in the world. However, in 2011, California’s current First Lady, Anne Brown, declined to continue this hosting tradition, citing a desire to focus on other economic priorities. The California Governor & First Lady Conference was not held in 2011 and no plans were announced to hold such a conference in 2012.
With the fate of the tradition of such a conference in the balance, a producer of successful 30,000 in-attendance events stepped into this void to ensure the continuation of the tradition by hosting a new conference at the same venue. Michelle Patterson, CEO of Event Complete, and her team, are now building innovative new traditions into time-honored conference elements put in place by the former First Ladies.
“The women’s economy starts here, and the future is happening now for all women committed to success,” says Patterson, referencing this year’s conference theme and tagline. “This tradition has too rich a legacy, and is too valuable a resource for women dedicated to making a difference, to be allowed to vanish.Visionary women from all backgrounds will be exposed to new and valuable resources, insight and encouragement from other like-minded women, and gain the momentum they need for their next small step or large leap of faith in their personal venture for change.”
Today, with so many feeling the need for such a conference, the new 2012 conference will feature a vast marketplace of ideas, exhibits, and internationally known speakers. While this new conference is not affiliated with the organizations previously responsible for the old California Governor & First Lady’s Conference on Women, the new conference is intended to serve a similar purpose and drive the same benefits for the community of women who came love the California Governor & First Lady’s Conference on Women.
The conference is now accepting sponsorships and exhibitors. For application details and to learn more visit www.californiawomensconference. com. Join the California Women’s Conference community to stay informed of pre-sale ticket information.
About the history and tradition of the CaliforniaGoverner & First Lady Conference on Women The spiritual predecessor of the California Women’s Conference, namely the California Governor & First Lady’s Conference on Women was an annual non-partisan event, was created in 1985 by then-Governor George Deukmejian, to address the high failure rate among women-owned businesses by giving women entrepreneurs greater access to funding and other helpful resources. Selecting the city of Long Beach as the event’s host, city officials and businesses quickly became enthusiastic supporters.Then-First Lady Gloria Deukmejian assumed responsibility for the con- ference, which became known as the California Governor and First Lady’s Conference. After Maria Shriver entered the Governor’s Mansion, she transformed the conference into a star-studded event and renamed it “The Women’s Conference.” Past speakers have included: His Holiness the Dalai Lama,Tenzin Gyatso,First Lady Michelle Obama,OprahWinfrey,former British Prime MinisterTony Blair,Duchess ofYork Sarah Ferguson, Barbara Walters, Jane Fonda, Queen Noor of Jordan,Tyra Banks, Martha Stewart, Madeline Albright, Condoleeza Rice, and many others.Today, the tradition of enthusiastically serving women-owned businesses continues under the stewardship of Michelle Patterson, CEO of Event Complete.
About Event Complete EventComplete, LLC, is a full-service event marketing company specializing in strategy, production and marketing for large scale conferences, workshops, and charitable events.They partner with each client at every step in creating, planning, marketing, and producing signature events in which businesses, non-profits and the community collaborate effectively to maximize marketing objectives.They “complete” events by utilizing their proprietary methods for Marketing Sequence Campaigns,Database Management,Event Registration,Sponsorship Development,andVenue Management.To learn more about Michelle Patterson and Event Complete, visit
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