Inland Empire Ad Club Announces New Board

NEW AD CLUB BOARD: Top left to right: John Barry, Peter Mobley, John McCarthy, David Tercero, Susan Anderson, Kristine Elledge, Jon Burgess. BOTTOM, Left to right: Paul Lane, Bobbi Albano, Lacey Kendall, Julie Wright, Su Pak.
(San Bernardino, CA) The Inland Empire advertising club has announced the new board of directors for 2013-2014.
Incoming president of the American Advertising Federation is Lacey Kendall of North Rialto, a broadcast consultant and radio advisor at Cal State San Bernardino. She manages Coyote Radio, the university radio station where she mentors over 140 undergraduate students who are studying broadcasting and media. Kendall has been a broadcaster and on-air host on several local FM stations, including KCAL and KGGI. She recently hosted the board’s strategic planning retreat to plan for the coming year.
Continuing as board treasurer, Bobbi Albano of North Rialto is a contract analyst with First 5 San Bernardino, a leading funder of support programs for children under five in the Inland Empire. Albano also produces IE Community, a radio show on KVCR. She is a script writer for ISLA Earth, produced by the Catalina Island Conservancy at Cal State San Bernardino.
Joining the board as secretary is David Tercero, a career services advisor for students in the school of design at Westwood College in Upland. He is a U.S. Navy veteran and helps Westwood graduates find jobs in their career fields after graduation.
Jacob Poore from Corona will advise the board as the immediate past president. He manages Coyote Advertising at Cal State San Bernardino and returns this year to host the Art Bash, an annual AAF art gallery fundraiser for local artists.
New board members at large are membership chair Peter Mobley, president of Mobley Marketing Group. He is also an active board member in the PickGroup of Young Professionals in Riverside. Susan Anderson, sales manager at Viamedia in Temecula will coordinate social media & communications. She is a web design instructor at the Art Institute of California, San Bernardino where she is the advisor for student career portfolio projects.
Also new to the board is Paul Lane, a local morning radio host and bureau chief for NBC News Radio, KCAA AM1050 in San Bernardino. He will help with outreach to the radio community in the Inland Empire and work on the American Advertising Awards gala.
Returning to the AAF board as co-chair of the American Advertising Awards competition is past club president John McCarthy of Upland. He is director of marketing at iHerb, a worldwide nutritional supplement company in Moreno Valley and is the incoming secretary of District 15 which includes all AAF clubs in Southern California and Southern Nevada. McCarthy will continue to be involved with finding speakers and scheduling monthly advertising events for the local chapter.
Jon Burgess, Vice President of Internet Operations at Red Fusion Media in Redlands returns to advise the board as past president. Burgess was recently elected District Governor of District 15 where he advises all AAF chapters in the district.
Julie Wright is stepping down after five years as secretary but the Wrightwood resident will remain on the board and assist with monthly luncheons and fundraisers. Su Pak of Los Angeles also returns, stepping up to assist McCarthy as co-chair of the American Advertising Awards. Pak is the founder of, an online search engine for travel and entertainment in the Inland Empire. John Barry of Newport Beach continues as public relations chair for the AAF.
New board interns are Anahi (Ana) Contreras, a student at Cal State San Bernardino and recent graduate Kristine Elledge, marketing coordinator and graphic designer at W.F. Taylor Company, Inc. in Fontana.
The local AAF chapter represents the advertising industry in the Inland Empire and annually sponsors the American Advertising Awards (previously called the ADDY’s) for the best advertising in the region. The club also awards academic scholarships to local advertising students. Each month the chapter sponsors a luncheon speaker who addresses issues and trends in advertising. Luncheons are open to the public. For more information about membership, visit
NEW AD CLUB BOARD: Top left to right: John Barry, Peter Mobley, John McCarthy, David Tercero, Susan Anderson, Kristine Elledge, Jon Burgess. BOTTOM, Left to right: Paul Lane, Bobbi Albano, Lacey Kendall, Julie Wright, Su Pak.