New Beginnings – Salvation Army Announces New officers and New location

Breaking Ground on the new Pacific Street Corps: left to right: Salvation Army Advisory Boardmember Kristine Scott, Field Representative for San Bernardino County Supervisor James Ramos, John Futch, Bill Leman, San Bernardino Mayor Patrick Morris, Salvation Army Advisory Boardmember Brian Cronin, Lt. Kathleen Griffins, new Corps Officer Capt. Anaya Henderson, new Corps Officer Major Dan Henderson, Division Commander Major Lee Lescano, San Bernardino Valley Community College District Trustee Dr. Kathleen (Katy) Henry, Salvation Army Advisory Boardmember Jack Katzman, California State Assemblymember Cheryl Brown, Salvation Army Advisory Boardmember, Tom Brickley.
(San Bernardino, CA) “This city is in desperate need of the services The Salvation Army provides,” San Bernardino Mayor Patrick Morris told the hundred people gathered for the ground breaking of a new center on October 10, 2013.
The Salvation Army is remodeling a former school at 2626 E. Pacific Avenue in Highland with a vision of expanding youth programs, daily meals, spiritual support for program graduates, worship services and other life-enriching programs to help the San Bernardino area.
The Army will continue its many services in the downtown San Bernardino area to those in need at its other locations: the Transitional Living Center, Family Emergency Lodge and Path to Prosperity. Meals, food distribution and other services for those in need will continue out of the center at 746 5th until the new center opens then will move to 925 W. 10th Street.
The many civic leaders who presented certificates of appreciation to The Salvation Army conveyed a remarkably wide and deep knowledge of the work and mission of The Salvation Army. Each, from Assemblymember Cheryl Brown, Mayor Pat Morris, and the offices of Councilmember Wendy McCammack, U.S .Congressmember Gary Miller, Senator Bill Emmerson, Assemblymember Mike Morrell, County Supervisor James Ramos, San Bernardino Valley Community College District Trustee Dr. Kathleen (Katy) Henry and other entities, expressed gratitude for the thousands of good citizens who are graduates of Salvation Army programs, and who are now giving back, contributing to the community and even helping restore other lives.

Carl M. Dameron master of ceremonies and Salvation Army board member and David Morgan field representative for California State Senator Bill Emmerson
Salvation Army Divisional Commander Major Lee Lescano thanked the San Bernardino Advisory Board, led by Mr. Tom Brickley, for their diligent work and tireless energy leading, the community and the Army to this point. He also welcomed and formally presented the new San Bernardino Citadel Corps Administrators and Pastors Officers Major Daniel Henderson and Captain Anya Henderson, the administrators and pastors for the Army’s work in San Bernardino.
“We are passionate and excited to be part of the revitalization of our community,” says Major Daniel Henderson, Salvation Army San Bernardino Administrator, Pastor and Corps Officer. “We see potential everywhere and believe a bright future is ahead of us. Changed people change communities!”

California Assemblymember Cheryl Brown presents a certificate to Major Dan Anderson new Corps member for the San Bernardino area office.

California Assemblymember Cheryl Brown presents a certificate to Captain Anya Henderson new Corps member for the San Bernardino area office.
About the Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps
The Salvation Army may be able to provide emergency services including food; lodging for homeless or displaced families; clothing and furniture; assistance with rent or mortgage and transportation when funds are available. The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) assists rescue workers and evacuees in such disasters as fires.
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church, and also offers evangelical programs for boys, girls and adults. One of the most effective charitable and international service organizations in the world, The Salvation Army has been in existence since 1878 and in San Bernardino since 1887, supporting those in need without discrimination.
The San Bernardino Corps of The Salvation Army serves Bloomington, Colton, Grand Terrace, Highland, Rialto, and San Bernardino. Donations may always be made online at or by calling 1-(800)-SAL-ARMY. Donations should reference the San Bernardino Corps. Our local number is (909) 888-1336.