Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Helps Save or Buy A Home!

If you are in danger of losing your home or want help to buy a your first home, the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco invites you to attend the Free foreclosure pretention and first-time homebuyers’ workshop in Sherman Oaks with special guest Congressman Brad Sherman.
(Sherman Oaks, Calif.) If you are in danger of losing your home or want help to buy a your first home, the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco invites you to attend the Free foreclosure pretention and first-time homebuyers’ workshop in Sherman Oaks with special guest Congressman Brad Sherman.
The free foreclosure pretention and first-time homebuyers’ workshops are at the Sherman Oaks East Valley Adult Center, 5060 Van Nuys Blvd, on Saturday, August 4th. Registration begins at 9:30 am and the event runs from 10 am to 2 pm.
Those wanting to attend are asked to register online at: FHLBSF.com. You can also come at 9:30 am on the day of the event to register.
“There is a lot going on now with California Mortgages. The Attorney General’s settlement with lenders and recently passed laws have opened many opportunities for homeowners facing foreclosure to stay in their homes,” said Lawrence H. Parks, Senior Vice President of External Affairs for FHLB San Francisco.
Lack of communication with the lender is often one of the major roadblocks to saving a home from foreclosure. This free home preservation workshop was developed to provide information and financial counseling to residents faced with losing their homes.
“It is not unusual for homeowners to be unaware of the options available to them, like the Federal Making Home Affordable Program, or the Keep your Home California Program and many other programs,” said Parks.
Homeowners’ in danger of foreclosure can meet with certified HUD councilors on site from The Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County and NID Housing Counseling Agency. Representatives from Chase Bank, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America will also be there to help homeowners work to resolve foreclosure issues.

The foreclosure pretention and first-time homebuyers’ workshops are at the Sherman Oaks East Valley Adult Center, 5060 Van Nuys Blvd, on Saturday, August 4th. Registration begins at 9:30 am and the event runs from 10 am to 2 pm.
The Southland Regional Association of Realtors and lenders will also teach first-time homebuyers’ how to buy a home including many programs from local, state and the federal government to help get into your first home.
Many people feel now is the time to buy with the lowest interest rates and home prices in the last 20 years.
“At this workshop you will have an opportunity to learn which options are best for your family. If you need answers to help save your home from foreclosure or buy your first home, we invite you to attend this workshop to get the help you need, face to face with your lender or a HUD approved housing counselor – absolutely free,” said Parks.
Come Prepared! Bring copies of the following documentation:
■ Pay stubs for the most recent 2 pay periods
■ 2011 tax return, including W-2
■ A copy of your homeowner’s insurance policy
■ Hardship letter (in your own words)
■ Bank statements for the most recent 2 months
■ A list of your monthly expenses
■ A utility bill
■ Your most recent mortgage statement
■ And any other related correspondence
■ Self-employed individuals must also provide bank statements for the most recent 4 months, a 2010 or 2011 tax return and a year to date profit and loss statement.
For more information, contact Kevin Blackburn at the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, at blackbur@fhlbsf.com.
The Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco
The Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco delivers low-cost funding and other services that help member financial institutions make home mortgages to people of all income levels and provide credit that supports neighborhoods and communities. The Bank also funds community investment programs that help members create affordable housing and promote community economic development. The Bank’s members – its shareholders and customers – are commercial banks, credit unions, savings institutions, thrift and loans, and insurance companies headquartered in Arizona, California, and Nevada.
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