Healing the Collective Trauma of Racism

Kathleen Dameron, American in Paris, Healing the Collective Trauma of Racism
“In our collective trauma, we still choose not to see our history, our past acts and our current blind eye to injustice. Even as a Christian nation, we still do not pay attention to the well-being of other human beings,” said Kathleen Dameron, American in Paris
(Paris, France) Internationally recognized Cross-cultural Trainer Kathleen Dameron is launching a series of seminars titled, “Healing the Collective Trauma of Racism” as a way to help Americans recognize and move beyond the systemic racism that has plagued society for hundreds of years.
The importance of her sessions became clear when angry white insurrectionists invaded the United States Capitol carrying Confederate flags on Jan. 6. The insurrectionists were cheered by then-President Donald Trump, who openly supported white supremacists throughout his presidency.
His lies about the election being stolen were a blatant effort to disenfranchise the millions of black voters who voted against him.
“The insurrectionists were so convinced of their impunity, that they took selfies of themselves and then posted them on social media,” Dameron said.
With the horror of that day still fresh in people’s minds, Dameron said it’s time to work toward healing the collective trauma of racism.
“The times, they are a-changing,” she said, quoting Bob Dylan’s iconic song. “We have a perfect window of opportunity. We need to work with whites not to feel ashamed, but to open their hearts so they can recognize how cold and cruel and undemocratic they have been toward their fellow human beings…. and themselves.”
Dameron’s seminars are ongoing, and sessions focus on everything from enslavement and Jim Crow laws to targeted policing and mass incarceration of black people and people of color.
In her seminars, Dameron will help participants understand the difference between interpersonal and institutional racism, guiding them to build a feeling of community and healing energy.
Before starting her sessions, she is offering a free, self-paced, one-hour course “First Steps” so each one can build their Racial Literacy. You can enroll by going to www.KathleenDameron.com or clicking on the following Web link:
“We will take time over six weeks, then six months, to explore the impact of racism in the United States,” Dameron said. “We will take time to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts. “We will start our individual action, looking at what’s very local around us. And in community, we will walk together toward larger and more impactful actions.”
Kathleen Dameron is an American based in Paris with more than 30 years’ experience coaching, facilitating, and training within multinational companies in French, English and Spanish.
Through KD Conseil, her French consultancy, she coached coach American, European and Asian executives all over the world, helping organizations transform their cultural diversity into a competitive advantage.
Moving beyond America’s systemic racism and even getting some Americans to recognize that it exists will not be easy.
Dameron noted the ongoing drumbeat against Black Lives Matter and the false equivalency of BLM and the violent insurrectionists heard daily on conservative news programs. It is important to listen to different drumbeats.
But her seminars are one step toward healing the collective trauma of racism.
“In our collective trauma, we still choose not to see our history, our past acts and our current blind eye to injustice. Even as a Christian nation, we still do not pay attention to the well-being of other human beings.
“We need to talk often and softly with humor and enthusiasm and begin our transformative journeys,” she said.
Learn more at www.KathleenDameron.com
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