History of the Democratic Luncheon Club

Democratic Luncheon Club President Tim Prince.
The Democraticy Luncheon Club of San Bernardino reorganized as a chartered club of the San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee in 1993.
Serving as the reorganized club’s first President, former Democratic Congressional Nominee Don Rusk sought to rebuild the then dormant club as a platform for Democrats and a forum for progressive ideas.
The Luncheon Club is now one of the largest and most active political clubs in the Inland Empire. Contemporary ideas of progressive Democrats are presented virtually every Friday at Noon in a successful one-hour format.
The range of distinguished speakers over its history includes United States Senator Barbara Boxer, U.S. Congressmen, California’s Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, Senators, Assembly Members, a host of Mayors, Council Members, Chiefs of Police, Superintendents of Schools, labor leaders such as CTA State President, civil rights activists, attorneys, environmentalists, government officials, college professors, and, of course, Democratic candidates for partisan and nonpartisan offices.
“Its mission is to present Democrats and their ideas to the public and to advance the ideals of the Democratic Party,” said Club President Tim Prince
Save the Date for the Club’s annual banquet scheduled for February 24, 2024 at noon. The event is THE Inland Empire political event of the year.
Democrats and their guests are invited to attend. Annual dues is $25. For further information contact Tim Prince at (909) 725-8474.
Tags: democratic, Tim Prince