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    Environmental Advocate Stacy Ramos to Speak at the Democratic Luncheon Club on July 26th

    “Stacy's focus on logistics industry environmental impacts and other projects at CCAEJ is invaluable to the health and safety of our region,” said Attorney Timothy Prince, Esq, President of the San Bernardino Democratic Luncheon Club.

    “Stacy’s focus on logistics industry environmental impacts and other projects at CCAEJ is invaluable to the health and safety of our region,” said Attorney Timothy Prince, Esq, President of the San Bernardino Democratic Luncheon Club.

    SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF.– Political organizer Stacy Ramos will speak at the San Bernardino Democratic Luncheon Club’s July 26th Noon meeting at Juan Polo Restaurant in San Bernardino. Ramos also serves as 3rd Vice Chair for the San Bernardino County Democratic Party and is active with the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice.

    Ramos will speak about the important work being done by the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ). The Center is a progressive equity-based organization that embodies hope and unites people and pueblos to create intersectional solutions that transform communities “to bring people together to improve their social and natural environment.”

    Utilizing the lens of environmental health, CCAEJ (a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit) achieves regenerative change by developing resilient BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) intergenerational leadership through the power of community base-building. CCAEJ cultivates inclusive, self-sustaining neighborhoods where everyone can live, work, play, and thrive.

    “Stacy’s focus on the logistics industry’s environmental impacts and other projects at CCAEJ is invaluable to the health and safety of our region,” said Luncheon Club President Timothy Prince, Esq.

    San Bernardino Democratic Luncheon Club meetings start at noon at Juan Pollo Restaurant, 1258 West 5th St., San Bernardino.

    For more information or to speak at the San Bernardino Democratic Luncheon Club, contact them at sbdems.com/?page_id=14.

    About the Democratic Luncheon Club of San Bernardino

    Established in 1993, the Democratic Luncheon Club of San Bernardino is the most prominent and dynamic Democratic club in the Inland Empire. Our meetings convene most Fridays at Juan Pollo Restaurant, 1258 West 5th St. in San Bernardino, and we extend an open invitation to the public. Each gathering hosts a distinguished speaker who shares compelling news and crucial updates on matters impacting the broader San Bernardino area. Visit our website at sbdems.com for further details.

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