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    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    I wish I had the words to commemorate such an important day of gratitude to our creator.  I do not so I humbly share with you Abraham Lincoln’s first Thanksgiving proclamation in fervent hope that it will bring “ . . . the Almighty’s hand to heal the wounds of the nation, and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union.”

    October 3, 1863
    By the President of the United States
    A Proclamation
    The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.
    In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign states to invite and provoke their aggressions, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere, except in the theater of military conflict; while that theater has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union.
    Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defense have not arrested the plow, the shuttle, or the ship; the ax has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege, and the battlefield, and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom.
    No human counsel hath devised, nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.
    It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American people. I do, therefore, invite my fellow-citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens. And I recommend to them that, while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners, or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation, and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union.
    In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United Stated States to be affixed.
    Done at the city of Washington, this third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-eighth.
    Abraham Lincoln

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    Carl M. Dameron, Creative Director
    Dameron Communications

    Intern Is Challenged At Dameron Communications

    Martinez is a recent graduate from the University of California, Riverside, with a degree in Business Administration and Marketing. “Most of my college friends are looking for jobs to make good money, but I want a career,” said Martinez. “I know Dameron Communications can help me reach this goal.” Photo by Carl Dameron

    (SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.)  “This is one of the best experience’s of my life,” said Paul Martinez, an Intern at Dameron Communications.
    Martinez is a recent graduate from the University of California, Riverside, with a degree in Business Administration and Marketing. “Most of my college friends are looking for jobs to make good money, but I want a career,” said Martinez.  “I know Dameron Communications can help me reach this goal.”
    Martinez found his internship through the Lagrant Foundation, a non-profit that focuses on career development for minority students. “I attended a workshop hosted by Dameron and was surprised at the company’s achievements.”

    An internship is on-the-job training that usually lasts for three months. Interns range from students in college to high school students. Students participate in internships to decide if a particular career interests them, build contacts with professionals, and to gain college credit.
    While in college, Martinez was involved in extracurricular activities and organizations. Martinez was a member of M.E.Ch.A. de UCR, a cultural organization that serves the community. He organized conferences, committed time to community service, and created promotional materials for M.E.Ch.A.
    Martinez also participated in the UC Honors Program, a challenging academic program for top students. “I have always believed in challenging myself to get ahead.”
    After graduating, Martinez was in search for a career that would allow him to serve the community. “I chose to intern at Dameron Communications because of the free Public Relations work it does for The Salvation Army,” said Martinez.
    “I am impressed by Paul’s hard work and dedication.  He has the right attitude it takes to be successful in this business.  I am happy to work with him,” said Carl Dameron, Creative Director of Dameron Communications.
    Martinez has plans to make a name in the fields of food and fashion. “I want to own a fine-dining restaurant and clothing brand in the near future.”
    For more information on Dameron Communications, please call (909) 888-0017.
    About Dameron Communications
    Since 1989 Dameron Communications has creatively met the needs of our diverse client base locally, regionally and nationally. It is an award-winning agency that creates integrated advertising and public relations solutions to increase clients’ sales and profits, win elections, inform the public or gain acceptance of potentially controversial issues.
    Dameron Communications creates advertising for television, radio, newspaper, magazine, and billboards, web sites, mobile web applications, email and more. Public relations services include press releases, press conferences, media relations, television programs, web sites, opinion editorials, promotions, event creation and management, government relations and community relations.
    Dameron Communications has earned media coverage for clients from: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, CBS MarketWatch; Fox News, CNN, CNNfn, Nightly Business Report; The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, Dow Jones News Wire, Bloomberg, Reuters, Associated Press and many more.

    Dameron Wows County Mental Health Summit in Palm Desert

    Carl Dameron, creative director of Dameron Communications; Wendy Gladney, author, entrepreneur and motivational speaker; and John A. “Jack” Calhoun, senior consultant for the U.S. Department of Justice and the National League of Cities. All spoke at the Riverside County Department of Mental Health PEI Summit in Palm Desert.

    (Palm Desert, CA)  Dancing and sliding across the floor, clicking through YouTube Videos and PowerPoint bullet points, voice in hushed tones, then booming “victorious””!  Carl Dameron creative director of Dameron Communications recently delivered a rousing presentation on effective communication at the Riverside County Department of Public Health’s Prevention and Early Intervention Summit.
    “Presentations are often less that exciting, so I push the envelope with my multi-media presentation to keep the audience involved and engaged,” said Dameron.  “I tell the audience that developing an effective message includes:  Make me care; Make me remember and Make me act.   That means I have to do the same in my presentation.”
    Dameron’s presentation is memorable. He spent most of the hour-and-a-half performance in the audience asking participants questions and floating from table to table.  He surprised participants with impromptu questions and rap videos.
    Dameron is the founder and creative director of Dameron Communications, a full-service advertising and public relations agency serving California since 1989.  He has won media coverage and placed product selling ads with the most prestigious and popular media channels, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
    “Carl is high energy person, who definitely knows what he talking about, that is why we selected him for the personation,” said Diane Brown, Social Service Planner/Training & Fidelity Liaison, Mental Health Services Act – Prevention & Early Intervention, Riverside County Department of Mental Health.
    “Are you an actor in movies, TV commercials or something?” asked one member of the audience after his presentation.  “I laughed and said no, I just love what I do,” said Dameron.

    Dameron show's the video "The Message" by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five to warm up the crowd

    Dameron has acting experience preforming in plays starting in the third grade.  He also took acting classes in high school and college but he admits he’s no Denzel Washington.
    “I wish I was that good, but I’m not.  I’m at the point where I’m not afraid to perform in front of an audience,” said Dameron.
    His presentation was for those delivering Prevention & Early Intervention services for Riverside County Department of Mental Health.
    The county web site says: an objective of Prevention & Early Intervention is to increase capacity for mental health prevention and early intervention programs. These programs are to be provided in places where mental health services are not traditionally given, such as schools, community centers, faith-based organizations, etc.
    The intent of PEI programs is to engage individuals before the development of serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbance or to alleviate the need for additional or extended mental health treatment.
    Dameron’s suggestions for successful advertising include:

    • Use a graphic artist to design brochures, flyers, ads and billboards.  “Your secretary is not a graphic artist.  Ad designers must understand color theory, typography and the best way to design advertising for effective communication.”
    • In the Inland Empire billboards and radio are king.  Use your budget to buy and use these media.
    • Don’t buy promo items if your annual ad budget is less than one million dollars.  Buy billboards, radio, TV, print or web ads.  Too many promo items end up in the closet and not used.  People often buy the wrong promo item and then not enough.  One good billboard in mall or flight of radio commercial will reach more people and deliver more results that your promo items.

    For public relations Dameron suggests:

    • Contract with a PR professional to write your press releases.  Unless your Ph.D., Masters or Bachelors’ degree is in communications, marketing or journalism you are probably not the best person to write your press releases. The media want and need the message delivered in a specific style.  If you don’t understand that style, it’s difficult to earn media coverage.
    • Use a photo with every story and give the media more than one photo choice.
    • Post all of your news releases to your website where they can be easily found.

    Dameron’s PowerPoint presentation can be found on line at the Dameron Communications website: http://www.dameroncommunications.com
    Creating campaigns that work is harder than it looks, and Dameron makes it look easy.   He has launched companies creating millions in profits, increased profits with existing firms and used crisis communications skills to save companies from failure.
    He is creative and tenacious. He pays attention to research, gets on the ground and communicates with customers and front line staff to find customer “hot buttons”. The creative team digests all of this information and together they create a solid thread weaved into a tapestry of effective messaging creating multi-media campaigns that work.
    Dameron effectively implements current technology and finds ways to effectively adopt new technology into campaigns.  He leads a team of creative professionals that create big ideas, engineer’s words and images that capture the audiences’ attention and motivates them to act.
    For more information on Dameron Communications call Carl Dameron at (909) 888-0017.
    About Dameron Communications
    Since 1989 Dameron Communications has creatively met the needs of our diverse client base locally, regionally and nationally. It is an award-winning agency that creates integrated advertising and public relations solutions to increase clients’ sales and profits, inform the public or gain acceptance of potentially controversial issues.
    Dameron Communications creates advertising for television, radio, newspaper, magazine, and billboards, web sites, mobile web applications, email and more. Public relations services include press releases, press conferences, media relations, television programs, web sites, opinion editorials, promotions, event creation and management, government relations and community relations.
    Dameron has earned media coverage for clients from: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, CBS MarketWatch; Fox News, CNN, Nightly Business Report; The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, Dow Jones News Wire, Bloomberg, Reuters, Associated Press, The Press Enterprise, The Sun, The Daily Bulletin, The Daily News, The Daily Press and many more media outlets.


    Dameron’s presentation can be found on line at the following locations:
    The commercials can be seen at the Dameron Communications YouTube channel at:
    The pre-presentation music is on youtube at:
    Download a copy of presentation  at:
    Samples of Dameron Communications TV Commercials:
    Samples of Dameron Communications Radio Commercials:

    Samples of Dameron Communications Work Samples:
    Dameron Communications News site:
    Of course the Dameron Communications website is:

    What's the best time to hold a seminar/webinar?

    Susan McDevitt (third from right), executive director of Mary Erickson Community Housing and San Bernardino Mayor Patrick Morris (right), cut the ribbon on Eastpointe Village as other local dignitaries watch. The dignitaries are, from left, Carey Jenkins, director of Housing and Community Development for the San Bernardino Economic Development Association; Jim Yerdon, community development specialist with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; Doug Bystry, chairman of the board of directors for Mary Erickson Community Housing, Jerry Paresa, executive director of governmental relations for San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, and Lynn Valbuena, vice chairman of San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. Eastpointe Village is a new apartment complex near 19th and Sunrise in San Bernardino, available to families making up to $32,500 yearly for a family of four. Mary Erickson Community Housing, in partnership with the San Bernardino Economic Development Agency, is creating Eastpointe Village by renovating 25 fourplexes in the 19th and Sunrise neighborhood, with funds the Economic Development Agency obtained through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Photo by Matt Sloan

    The good thing about seminars/webinars in that its great info. The bad thing is that some like to attend these events in the mornings, some like lunch, some like evenings and some (usually employees) prefer their continuing education during the work day.
    What’s the solution to maximize your attendance? Here are my suggestions in order of preference.
    Option 1
    Hold four seminars/webinars at four times: Breakfast, mid-morning, lunch and early evening on the same day or the same week. Then post the best presentation on-line with sign-ins to collect contact information.
    Option 2
    Create a Survey Monkey Research instrument and send to all of your prospects. Hold the seminar at the best time for responders and then post the presentation on-line with sign-ins to collect contact information.
    Option 3
    Hold the seminar at lunch time and then post the presentation on-line with sign-ins to collect contact information.
    Select the answer that fists your ability to perform.
    Good luck!
    Carl Dameron

    FREE Public Relations & Advertising career development workshop for students and alumni!

    The LaGrant Foundation has selected Carl M. Dameron, founder and creative director of Dameron Communications to host its first Inland Empire career development workshop for students interested in pursuing a career in advertising or public relations. The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority cosponsors the workshop. Photo by Robert A. Whitehead/CSUSB


    WHO:             The LAGRANT Foundation (TLF) is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization whose mission is to increase the number of ethnic minorities in the fields of advertising, marketing and public relations through scholarships, internships, career development workshops, professional development and mentors to African American/Black, American Indian/Native American, Asian/Pacific Islander American and Hispanic/Latino undergraduate and graduate students.
    WHAT: TLF is partnering with Dameron Communications, to host a career development workshop for students interested in pursuing a career in advertising or public relations.
    WHEN: Friday, September 14, 2012 from noon to 3:00 p.m.
    WHERE: Dameron Communications LLC 255 North “D” Street, Suite 303, San Bernardino, CA 92401
    CONTACT: Programs & Communications Associate Nelly Alonso 323.469.8680, ext. 240  Email: NellyAlonso@LaGrant.com
    The Dameron Communications Difference
    Dameron Communications’ inspired Advertising; Public Relations, Community Relations and Government Relations work has been winning awards and client accolades for more than 20 years. Uniquely, we blend unsurpassed relationships with proven advertising and public relations methods to deliver winning and measurable results.
    We serve clients who make the world a better place – small business or large, government or non-profit, product, service or cause driven.  We primarily serve California’s Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Counties.  For more information or a free one hour consultation call Carl Dameron at (909) 888-0017.


    It's on!!

    SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. – (Wednesday, August 1, 2012) – The Stater Bros. Route 66 Rendezvous will remain in downtown San Bernardino this year.  The dates are Thursday, September 13 through Sunday, September 16, 2012.
    “Over the past week there has been a great deal of speculation regarding the status of this year’s Stater Bros. Route 66 Rendezvous®,” states Wayne Austin, president & CEO of the San Bernardino Convention & Visitors Bureau.  “With input from the Board of Directors of the SBCVB, our major event sponsors and city officials, I am pleased to announce that the classic cars will continue to cruise our downtown streets of San Bernardino this September.  We are moving forward with our goal of having the most successful Rendezvous ever.”
    Spectators will enjoy the classic cars, music and entertainment located on two separate stages, sponsor displays, legendary guests, contests and commercial exhibitors.   For schedule of events and additional information, visit www.ROUTE-66.org.
    Several local non-profit educational and charitable organizations are given the opportunity to participate, earning dollars for their respective community projects.
    About San Bernardino Convention & Visitors Bureau
    The San Bernardino Convention & Visitors Bureau (SBCVB), producers of the Stater Bros. Route 66 Rendezvous®, is a private, non-profit corporation providing destination sales and marketing services for the city of San Bernardino.


    Hollywood Calander Shoot

    From a runway models to fashion model we can make your photo fashion dreams come true. Call today at (909) 888-0017 for an appointment.

    (San Bernardino, CA)  Create a special gift for that special someone that they will treasure forever or launch your self to your fans with a calendar that will keep your name on the tip of their tong for an entre year.
    At Dameron Communications we will create your own exceptional sexy 12 months calendar with professional stimulating photos of you and mild or as wild as you want.
    Let us give you the full movie star experience worthy or a Kardashian, Hilton or Twilight star.
    Our Creative Director will meet with and find your inner sexy and help you create your own fantasy sequences.
    Let our Hollywood wardrobe specialist will meet with you at your home or take you shopping at Saks, Nordstrom’s, Victoria’s Secret or Fredrick’s of Hollywood to find the special wardrobe for your intimate fashion fantasy. (You pay for the clothes)
    Our Hollywood hair and make up designers will create striking looks that will surprise you and dazzle your fans. Our photographers will make you feel comfortable, put you at ease and encourage you to indulge your inner fantasy. Then he will capture that spirit and transport that image to the camera.
    Then we will take those photos and our Art Director will create a beautiful custom calendar layout.
    Next we will professionally print 25 magnificent calendars for you and the special people in your life. You get 25 color 12 month calendars, plus we give you a CD with web and print quality images so can print or post images the rest of your life.
    Full photo shoot with:
    • Creative Director
    • Art Director
    • Hollywood wardrobe specialist
    • Hollywood hair and make up designers
    • 1-Mercedes, Lexus, Acura or Infinity automobile
    • 1-SportBike or Chopper motorcycle
    • Professional photographer with assistant
    • In a beautiful studio
    • You own the photos
    • Now just $5,000. • •
    Want a classic car, Motorcycle, Boat, Airplane, professional male or female model to be in the photo(s) with you? We can do that for an additional fee.
    Don’t wait indulge your fantasy call Dameron Communications today at (909) 534-9500.

    Smoking gun: Documents show Council requested restricted funds to meet payroll

    Finger pointing and distraction continue in San Bernardino

    (San Bernardino, Calif.)  Monday July 16th, City Councilmember Wendy McCammack said during a hearing to decide if the should file a State of Emergency and that San Bernardino was borrowing from restricted funds.  She stated that she was unaware of the “illegal transfers”.

    However in a February 7. 2009 article in the San Bernardino Sun McCammack calls for the city to transfers from restricted funds.
    In the article by Andrew Edwards headlined:  “SB police, firefighters may not be shielded from budget axe”.  She is quoted as saying:
    “McCammack said in a interview that she is not convinced sales tax revenues will be as low as projected.  She also proposed that the city borrow from other (restricted) accounts to bolster its general fund before laying off key employees.”
    “When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, sometimes you have to live off the credit card, don’t you?,” she asked.
    A March 11, 2009. Press Enterprise editorial headlined: “Fiscal Shame”.   San Bernardino City Attorney is quoted:
    “City Attorney Jim Penman said, for example that the City might be able to borrow against the $18 million reserve in a (restricted) sewer fund for up to two years interest-free.”
    Documents also show that councilmembers knew of and asked for transfers from restricted funds.
    In a February 11, 2009 request for council action, Councilmember McCammack requested a transfer of restricted funds to pay for city employee salaries.
    In a February 11, 2009 memo from the office of the city attorney, submitted by John F. Wilson, Senior Assistant City Attorney said “Nothing in the Charter of the City of San Bernardino precludes a transfer of revenues from one City fund to another.”
    There is proof positive that San Bernardino City official’s new of, requested, approved and transferred funds from restricted accounts with the full knowledge and approval of the majority of the city council and city attorney’s office.
    The present interim city manager agrees.  “I saw no indication of an order to hide information from the council,” said Andrea Travis-Miller, who was hired nearly a year ago as Assistant City Manager.
    “The city was seeing very large declines in revenue we were just trying to pay our bills,” she added.
    On July 10th the San Bernardino City Council voted to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protections.
    PDF of Documents referred to in story: Smoking gun docs


    Men of Integrity


    Ad Club Speaker: How to Analyze And Leverage Social Media, June 14

    For Immediate Release
    Ad Club Speaker: How to Analyze And Leverage Social Media, June 14

    (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) The Ad Club is hosting a luncheon speaker who will discuss how to analyze and leverage social media campaigns at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cucamonga on Thursday, June 14.  The public is invited.
    Aya Dasher, Client Relationship Manager at Sysomos, a Bay Area company specializing in social media analytics will present “How to Gain Actionable Business Insights Through Social Media.”  Sysomos is a leading provider of real time, up to the minute social media analytics.
    Dasher will discuss how to identify key influencers and opinion leaders of your brand, measuring key metrics around buzz and sentiment and how to conduct comparisons between competitors.
    “This is a very valuable presentation for marketing, advertising, PR and social media companies who want to better analyze social media campaigns,” said John McCarthy, Event Chair of the Inland Empire Chapter of the AAF (American Advertising Federation).  “We expect a good turnout, so everyone should register early.”
    Registration at the door is at 11:30am at the Old Spaghetti Factory, 11896 Foothill Blvd, Ranch Cucamonga, CA. 91730.  Cost for Ad Club members is $25, for the general public $30 and $25 for students.  Discounts for early registration are available at www.aaf-inlandempire.com.
    For information, contact McCarthy at jmccarthy@webmetro.com.
