Shiane, Shaila, Carl, and Malaika Dameron all enjoy the Gold Standard of Care at LaSalle Medical Associates.
“We not only need more Black physicians, but we also need both doctors and patients to communicate more openly,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates.
REDLANDS, CA. — A 2022 study by Pew Research finds that most Black Americans feel good about the quality of health care they have received recently. But the findings are mixed, with 47% saying outcomes have gotten better over the past 20 years, 31% saying they’re the same and 20% feel things have gotten worse.
On March 29, 2023, the Kaiser Family Foundation released a study, “Key Data on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity” that noted, “While inequities in access to and use of health care contribute to disparities in health, inequities across broader social and economic factors that drive health, often referred to as social determinants of health, also play a major role.”
Social determinants include “socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood and physical environment, and social support networks, as well as access to health care.” Several initiatives within and outside of the healthcare system are working to address these factors.
Nonetheless, two things not mentioned in these studies need to be pointed out. Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates, the Inland Empire’s largest independent healthcare provider, said, “We not only need more Black physicians, but we also need both doctors and patients to communicate more openly.”
Dr. Arteaga points out that it is only natural that Black patients will feel more comfortable being treated by a Black physician.
A 2021 study from the National Library of Medicine found that 5.8% of family medicine doctors are Black, 7.8% of internal medicine specialists, and 7.3% of pediatricians.
Blacks make up 13.6% of the U.S. population, so the number of Black physicians is under-represented.
Dr. Arteaga adds that a key factor in patient satisfaction with their healthcare provider is trust. “At LaSalle,” commented Dr. Arteaga, “we address this in several ways.
“One is that when we open a facility, it stays open in the same location. Our Black and Hispanic patients know that the LaSalle clinic they visit is going to be in the same place for the long term. Our patients trust that their LaSalle facility isn’t going to move. We opened our first clinic in Fontana in 1984 and it’s still in the same location,” he continued.
LaSalle employs a diverse staff who all provide a Gold Standard of care for their patients. Part of that lofty standard includes communicating effectively and openly with patients. The old saw about “bedside manner” includes the style of a person’s communication with others, per Merriam-Webster, and LaSalle’s staff are skilled at providing a good bedside manner.
“Another thing our patients can count on is that their health care provider won’t change. We don’t believe in transferring staff from one location to another. The relationship a LaSalle patient has with their doctor won’t be interrupted because of some HR policy that moves providers around.
“Lastly, our facilities are scrupulously clean. We maintain a Gold Standard of cleanliness in all our clinics that match our Gold Standard of care for all patients, regardless of their racial or ethnic background.”
Dr. Arteaga emphasized, “We encourage anyone who feels uneasy about communicating with their health care provider to contact their insurer and ask for a different doctor. Good communication is so important a part of good healthcare, no one should be going without it.”
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
B R I E F: 291 words
How to Eliminate Black Disparities in Healthcare
“We not only need more Black physicians, but we also need both doctors and patients to communicate more openly,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates.
REDLANDS, CA. —A 2022 study by Pew Research finds that most Black Americans feel good about the quality of health care they have received recently. But the findings are mixed, with 47% saying outcomes have gotten better over the past 20 years, 31% saying they’re the same and 20% feel things have gotten worse.
A 2023 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation noted, “While inequities in access to and use of health care contribute to disparities in health, inequities across broader social and economic factors that drive health, often referred to as social determinants of health, also play a major role.”
However, Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates, points to two things not mentioned in these two studies—the need for more Black doctors and better communication between doctors and patients. “We not only need more Black physicians, we also need both doctors and patients to communicate more openly,” he said.
LaSalle provides a Gold Standard of care to all its patients, regardless of race or ethnicity. This includes communicating effectively and openly with patients. A good “bedside manner” includes communication style with others, per Merriam-Webster, and LaSalle’s people practice a good bedside manner with everyone they see.
Dr. Arteaga emphasized, “I encourage anyone who feels uneasy about communicating with their health care provider to contact their insurer and ask for a different doctor. Good communication is so important a part of good healthcare, no one should be going without it.”
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
The American Heart Association recommends that you do moderate exercise 150 minutes a week. That could be walking, cycling, Pilates, Zumba class, jogging…you get the idea. It could be five 30-minute sessions or three 50-minute sessions. You could do two one-hour sessions and one 30-minute session.
“Remember your goals are long-term, so every day you should strive to fulfill your good intentions, which will bring you closer to your goal,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates.
REDLANDS, CA. —LaSalle Medical Associates, the Inland Empire’s largest privately owned and operated healthcare organization, would like to remind you that it’s not too late to add another resolution or two that should be fairly easy to keep.
LaSalle has thoughtfully provided the following list of resolutions and all you have to do is pick one of them to follow and your 2024 will be healthier than your 2023.
The American Heart Association recommends that you do moderate exercise 150 minutes a week. That could be walking, cycling, Pilates, Zumba class, jogging…you get the idea. It could be five 30-minute sessions or three 50-minute sessions. You could do two one-hour sessions and one 30-minute session.
“Moderate” means you are exercising hard enough that you just start to perspire and may find it difficult to carry on a conversation with someone else.
The Mayo Clinic recommends that you eat fatty fish for two meals a week. Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to be heart-healthy. Salmon and lake trout are great choices. So are cod, mackerel, canned sardines, or light tuna and herring.
Healthline says you can dream your way to better health by getting enough sleep. How much is enough?
Birth to 3 months: 14 to 17 hours
4 to 11 months: 12 to 16 hours
1 to 2 years: 11 to 14 hours
3 to 5 years: 10 to 13 hours
6 to 12 years: 9 to 12 hours
13 to 18 years: 8 to 10 hours
18 to 64 years: 7 to 9 hours
65 years and older: 7 to 8 hours
These three suggested resolutions are well worth considering and they aren’t hard to keep. Each will contribute to a healthier lifestyle that not only benefits you but your friends and family as well.
“Remember your goals are long-term, so every day you should strive to fulfill your good intentions, which will bring you closer to your goal,” says Dr. Arteaga.
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
B R I E F: 331 words
Resolve to Live Healthier in 2024!
“Remember your goals are long-term, so every day you should strive to fulfill your good intentions, which will bring you closer to your goal,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates.
REDLANDS, CA. —LaSalle Medical Associates, the Inland Empire’s largest privately owned and operated healthcare organization, has provided the following list of easy-to-keep resolutions. Just pick one of them and your 2024 will be healthier than your 2023.
The American Heart Association recommends that you do moderate exercise 150 minutes a week. That could be walking, cycling, Pilates, Zumba class, jogging…you get the idea. It could be five 30-minute sessions or three 50-minute sessions. You could do two one-hour sessions and one 30-minute session.
“Moderate” means you are exercising hard enough that you just start to perspire and may find it difficult to carry on a conversation with someone else.
The Mayo Clinic recommends eating fatty fish for two meals a week. Fatty fish are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, lake trout cod, mackerel, canned sardines, or light tuna and herring are all fine choices.
Healthline says you can dream your way to better health by getting enough sleep. How much is enough?
Birth to 3 months: 14 to 17 hours
4 to 11 months: 12 to 16 hours
1 to 2 years: 11 to 14 hours
3 to 5 years: 10 to 13 hours
6 to 12 years: 9 to 12 hours
13 to 18 years: 8 to 10 hours
18 to 64 years: 7 to 9 hours
65 years and older: 7 to 8 hours
These resolutions are worthwhile and easy to keep. Each will contribute to a healthier lifestyle that not only benefits you but your friends and family as well.
“Remember your goals are long-term, so every day you should strive to fulfill your good intentions, which will bring you closer to your goal,” says Dr. Arteaga.
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
Cake, cookies, and rich desserts of all kinds tempt us to over-indulge. Think thin slices and small portions. Who needs to feel bloated or suffer from a stomachache, or worse if you are diabetic?
VICTORVILLE, CALIF. — Seasonal holidays bring with them great reasons to celebrate with friends and family. But they also provide excuses to eat too much, drink too much, and eat unhealthy, waistline-destroying foods. Avoid “morning after” regrets and help your friends and family remember good times with these helpful hints.
As Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve approach, Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates, one of the Inland Empire’s largest privately owned healthcare providers, suggests that you think about your friends and family as well as yourself as you attend or prepare holiday get-togethers.
Nobody will ever regret moderation,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates.
Alcohol consumption needs to be limited. If you’re hosting a get-together or being a guest, think. Do you want one of your friends or a family member to leave the party only to get involved in a traffic accident on their way home? Do you want to be pulled over for driving under the influence, or worse?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says two drinks a day for men and one or less per day for women should be the limit. This should be your guideline, one you need to observe if you want to remember your holiday gathering with pleasure, rather than pain.
“If you are hosting, don’t put yourself in danger of being sued for everything you own because you let one of your guests drink too much and leave your premises drunk followed by a traffic accident they cause,” said Arteaga.
He added, “Maybe there’s no accident, but the police pull your bestie over for DUI. How will you feel about that?”
Arteaga suggests you be a good, responsible host. If you’re a guest or attendee at someone else’s function, be smart. Even if you have only two drinks and eat only reasonably healthy food, but too much of it, you may end up the next day or two getting on the scale and wondering where that extra two to five pounds came from.
Cake, cookies, and rich desserts of all kinds tempt us to over-indulge. Think thin slices and small portions. Who needs to feel bloated or suffer from a stomachache, or worse if you are diabetic?
Also, beware of highly processed snack foods that add salt, sugar, oil, and other substances in mind-boggling concentrations that provide your gut with hard-to-digest starches, hydrogenated fats, and other waistline- and health-destroying ingredients.
Harvard Medical School notes that “ultra-processed foods are the main source (nearly 58 percent) of calories eaten in the US and contribute almost 90 percent of the energy we get from added sugars….a French research study found that those who consumed more ultra-processed foods had higher risks of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease.”
Dr. Arteaga suggests you make sure you have a holiday season to remember fondly. Eat smart, drink smart. Be a good host and a thoughtful guest. However, if you end up getting sick because you ate or drank too much, remember LaSalle delivers the Gold Standard of Care at their six clinics in San Bernardino County.
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). Patients are covered by most major medical plans and if you are low-income, LaSalle can help get you into affordable healthcare.
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
“Nobody will ever regret moderation,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates.
Dr. Jim Wu of LaSalle Medical Associates says, “New diabetic cases are increasing by about one to two million new cases per year in the United States. In San Bernadino County, there are over 90 percent mortalities related to diabetes and its complications. LaSalle Medical Associates is facing unprecedented challenges in fighting the diabetic pandemic.”
“Proper screening and case management are the keys to living well with diabetes,” said Dr. Jim Wu of LaSalle Medical Associates.
REDLANDS, CALIF. –—Statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 14.5 percent of American Indians or Alaskan Natives, 12.1 percent of non-Hispanic Blacks and 11.7 percent of Hispanics aged 18 and older were diagnosed with diabetes from 2019 to 2021. This compares with 9.1 percent of non-Hispanic Asians and 6.9 percent of whites.
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and the perfect time to get tested for diabetes. The old distinctions about when one might contract type 1 or type 2 diabetes in terms of the age differential have been closing, as type 2 has become more common among young people.
Another important point is that while screening may result in a negative finding for diabetes, it may also find evidence of prediabetes, which calls for lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as regular check-ins with your healthcare provider.
The Mayo Clinic notes that symptoms of type 1 diabetes “often start suddenly and are often the reason for checking blood sugar levels. Because symptoms of other types of diabetes and prediabetes come on more gradually or may not be easy to see, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) has developed screening guidelines.
Anyone with a body mass index higher than 25 (23 for Asian Americans), regardless of age,who has additional risk factors. These factors include high blood pressure, non-typical cholesterol levels, an inactive lifestyle, a history of polycystic ovary syndrome or heart disease, and having a close relative with diabetes.
Anyone older than age 35is advised to get an initial blood sugar screening. If the results are normal, they should be screened every three years after that.
Women who have had gestational diabetes are advised to be screened for diabetes every three years.
Anyone who has been diagnosed with prediabetes is advised to be tested every year.
Anyone who has HIVis advised to be tested.”
LaSalle Medical Associates has four ways to test for type 1 and type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.
AIC test. This blood test doesn’t require fasting. It shows your average blood sugar level for the past 2 to 3 months. It’s also called a glycated hemoglobin test.
Random blood sugar test. No matter when you last ate, a blood sugar level of 200 milligrams per deciliter or higher suggests diabetes.
Fasting blood sugar test. After fasting overnight, a blood sugar level of less than 100 mg/dL is normal. A fasting blood sugar level from 100 to 125 mg/dL is considered prediabetes. If it’s 126 mg/dL or higher on two separate tests, you have diabetes.
Glucose tolerance test. You fast overnight. Then, the fasting blood sugar level is measured, and you then drink a sugary liquid. Blood sugar levels are tested regularly for the next two hours.
Dr. Jim Wu of LaSalle Medical Associates says, “New diabetic cases are increasing by about one to two million new cases per year in the United States. In San Bernadino County, there are over 90 percent mortalities related to diabetes and its complications. LaSalle Medical Associates is facing unprecedented challenges in fighting the diabetic pandemic.”
Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates, adds, “As a Latino myself, I am well aware that Latinos and other people of color are more prone to developing diabetes. Don’t put off getting tested. See your healthcare provider so that you stick around for your friends and family for a long, long time.”
Depending on the type of diabetes, blood sugar monitoring, insulin and oral drugs may be part of your treatment. Eating a healthy diet, staying at a healthy weight and getting regular physical activity also are important parts of managing diabetes.
“Proper screening and case management are the keys to living well with diabetes,” said Dr. Wu.
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). They accept most insurance including Medi-Cal, Medicare and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Brand New Day, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
B R I E F: 287 Words
It’s Time to Fight the Diabetes Epidemic
“Proper screening and case management are the keys to living well with diabetes,” said Dr. (name here) of LaSalle Medical Associates.
REDLANDS, CALIF. –—Statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 14.5 percent of American Indians or Alaskan Natives, 12.1 percent of non-Hispanic Blacks and 11.7 percent of Hispanics aged 18 and older were diagnosed with diabetes from 2019 to 2021. This compares with 9.1 percent of non-Hispanic Asians and 6.9 percent of whites.
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and the perfect time to get tested for diabetes. The old distinctions about when one might contract type 1 or type 2 diabetes in terms of the age differential have been closing, as type 2 has become more common among young people.
Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates, says, “As a Latino myself, I am well aware that Latinos and other people of color are more prone to developing diabetes. Don’t put off getting tested. See your healthcare provider so that you stick around for your friends and family for a long, long time.”
Depending on the type of diabetes, blood sugar monitoring, insulin and oral drugs may be part of your treatment. Eating a healthy diet, staying at a healthy weight and getting regular physical activity also are important parts of managing diabetes.
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). Patients are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Brand New Day, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to over 350,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.
A hectic daily routine often prevents people from visiting their doctor for routine checkups.
Dr. Albert Arteaga, CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc., aptly captures the prevailing mindset: “Too many people stay away from a doctor’s office because they think if they feel okay, they don’t need to go in for an annual checkup. By the time they start to feel ill, they end up in the ER, and sometimes it’s just too late to save them.”
This sentiment echoes a widespread misconception about health—the belief that if you’re not experiencing noticeable symptoms, there’s no need for a visit to the doctor. However, routine examinations are a crucial defense against potential health risks, offering an invaluable opportunity to catch issues in their early stages before they escalate into severe and sometimes irreversible conditions.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss the misunderstanding surrounding the significance of diagnostic checkups. Let’s explore how these seemingly routine appointments are crucial in maintaining good health and, more importantly, saving lives.
Chronic diseases are a significant concern, with seven out of 10 U.S. deaths resulting from these conditions. Approximately half of the nation’s population has received a diagnosis of a chronic illness, which includes heart disease, cancer, diabetes, AIDS, and other preventable medical conditions.
Despite these alarming statistics, only 25.2 percent, or one in four individuals, report having recently undergone a routine checkup. Astonishingly, regular cardiovascular examinations alone save tens of thousands of adult lives annually. Concurrently, vaccines play a pivotal role in preserving the lives of approximately 42,000 children each year, as highlighted by CDC data.
The significance of annual or bi-annual preventive health screenings and primary care consultations extends beyond immediate health concerns. These practices have been shown to significantly enhance life expectancy.
When Neglecting Annual or Bi-Annual Checkups Hits Too Close to Home
Dr. Albert Arteaga empathizes with the misconception that keeps too many people away from the doctor’s office. “People often believe that if they feel okay, there’s no need for an annual checkup. However, when illness unexpectedly strikes, the absence of an established healthcare provider to address their needs becomes painfully apparent.”
Having lost a sister to breast cancer, Dr. Arteaga has personally seen the consequences of neglecting routine medical checkups. He reflects on her reluctance to share crucial health information. “My sister never confided in me or her older sister, both of us doctors, about the lump on her breast. Later, we discovered she kept making excuses, saying ‘I bumped myself’ or ‘It’s just a bruise,’ ignoring it for over six months.”
Dr. Arteaga stresses that there’s no valid reason for someone experiencing symptoms to delay seeing a doctor. Fortunately, the healthcare system in California has evolved. More people can access essential care without financial barriers, thanks to programs like Covered California and Medicaid.
“Healthcare is no longer an out-of-reach luxury; it’s now available for everyone. Our dedicated staff is trained to assist uninsured individuals who come to our offices, helping them apply for coverage,” Dr. Arteaga emphasizes.
Beyond acute care for immediate concerns, Dr. Arteaga and his compassionate team proactively engage individuals managing chronic conditions like asthma or diabetes. They prioritize regular checkups, ensuring that preventive health screenings become a routine safeguard against potential healthcare problems.
For more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc., call (855) 349-6019 or visit It’s not just about checkups; it’s about a commitment to comprehensive and accessible healthcare for all.
Learn More about Your Annual or Bi-Annual Medical Checkup Partner | LaSalle Medical Associates
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent, Latino-owned healthcare organizations in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. LaSalle has more than 100 devoted healthcare professionals tirelessly working to provide comprehensive care to children, adults, and seniors across San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
At LaSalle, our commitment to accessible healthcare means that we welcome people from all health plans including Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP), and if you don’t have insurance we will help find health coverage for you and your family.
In line with our dedication to comprehensive healthcare, LaSalle emphasizes the importance of regular health checkups. Annual or bi-annual checkups and preventive health screenings are integral to our gold standard of healthcare, ensuring that our patients receive proactive and personalized care to promote their well-being.
Discover the LaSalle difference—where healthcare goes beyond boundaries to touch lives.
Photo Caption: “HIV screening is as easy as a simple blood test with highly accurate results typically available in less than a week,” says Dr. Andrew Benin, M.D.
“The development of pre-exposure preventive care or PrEP is highly effective in decreasing transmission of HIV in high-risk populations such as intravenous drug users and members of the homosexual/bisexual community,” says Dr. Andrew Benin.
REDLANDS, CALIF. –—LaSalle Medical Associates joins the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and many other organizations to celebrate the advances that have been made in the treatment and prevention of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), the disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
The CDC points out that World AIDS Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate the over 32 million people who have died from an AIDS-related illness.
Since its beginning in 1988, World AIDS Day has brought together agencies of the United Nations and the United States, as well as scores of healthcare organizations and medical societies worldwide to unite in addressing specific themes related to HIV. UNAIDS has announced the theme for 2023 is “Let Communities Lead.”
UNAIDS says, “Communities connect people with person-centered public health services, build trust, innovate, monitor implementation of policies and services, and hold providers accountable….it is a call to action to enable and support communities in their leadership roles. World AIDS Day 2023 will highlight that to unleash the full potential of community leadership to enable the end of AIDS.”
While there is no cure for HIV, with proper medical care, it can be controlled. NBA superstar Magic Johnson is a famous example. The disease apparently jumped from chimpanzees to humans as long ago as the late 1880s and has infected Americans since “at least the mid to late 1970s,” according to the CDC.
The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested, and that’s where LaSalle Medical Associates comes in. LaSalle’s Dr. Andrew Benin says, “Much has changed in the treatment and prevention of HIV infection in the last 10 years. Screening is as easy as a simple blood test with highly accurate results typically available in less than a week.
“More importantly, the development of pre-exposure preventive care or PrEP is highly effective in decreasing transmission of HIV in high-risk populations such as intravenous drug users and members of the homosexual/bisexual community.”
Possible signs of an HIV infection include flu-like symptoms (sore throat, fever, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes, mouth ulcers, chills, rash, fatigue, and achy muscles) starting two to four weeks after infection that may last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. But some people show no symptoms; that’s why LaSalle says the only way to know for sure is to get tested.
Because HIV is so contagious, at-risk individuals must get tested regularly to prevent the spread of the disease. points out that “HIV can affect anyone regardless of sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, age, or where they live. However, certain groups of people in the United States are more likely to get HIV than others because of particular factors, including the communities in which they live, what subpopulations they belong to, and their risk behaviors.
“In the United States, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are the population most affected by HIV. According to the CDC, of the 30,635 new HIV diagnoses in the U.S. in 2020, 68% (20,758) were among gay and bisexual men. By race/ethnicity, Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos are disproportionately affected by HIV.
“…Also, transgender women who have sex with men are among the groups at highest risk….People who inject drugs remain at significant risk for getting HIV as well.” Risky behaviors include anal or vaginal sex or sharing needles with an HIV-positive partner.
Using condoms can prevent infection, as can taking pre-exposure medicine, which needs to be prescribed by one’s doctor. “People with HIV who take HIV medicine (called antiretroviral therapy or ART) as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load can live long and healthy lives and will not transmit HIV to their HIV-negative partners through sex,” says
Proper screening and case management are the keys to living well with HIV. Many HIV tests are now quick, free and painless. Your LaSalle doctor can ensure that you get properly tested.
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). Patients are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Brand New Day, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
B R I E F: 317 Words
LaSalle Medical Observes World AIDS Day December 1st
“The development of pre-exposure preventive care or PrEP is highly effective in decreasing transmission of HIV in high-risk populations such as intravenous drug users and members of the homosexual/bisexual community,” says Dr. Andrew Benin.
REDLANDS, CALIF. –—LaSalle Medical Associates joins the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and many other organizations to celebrate the advances that have been made in the treatment and prevention of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), the disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Since its beginning in 1988, World AIDS Day has brought together agencies of the United Nations and the United States, as well as scores of healthcare organizations and medical societies worldwide to unite in addressing specific themes related to HIV. UNAIDS has announced the theme for 2023 is “Let Communities Lead.”
UNAIDS says, “Communities connect people with person-centered public health services, build trust, innovate, monitor implementation of policies and services, and hold providers accountable…. World AIDS Day 2023 will…unleash the full potential of community leadership to enable the end of AIDS.”
The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested, and that’s where LaSalle Medical Associates comes in. LaSalle’s Dr. Andrew Benin says, “Screening is as easy as a simple blood test with highly accurate results typically available in less than a week.
“More importantly, a new pre-exposure preventive care or PrEP is highly effective in decreasing transmission of HIV in high-risk populations such as intravenous drug users and members of the homosexual/bisexual community.”
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). Patients are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Brand New Day, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to over 350,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.
RSV’s symptoms include runny nose, loss of appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever, and wheezing. In most cases, these symptoms show up in stages, rather than all at once. In very young infants, “the only symptoms may be irritability, decreased activity, and breathing difficulties,” per the CDC. Shiane and Shaila Dameron parents use preventive medicine. The children have all of their vaccines and receive checkups with their doctors every six months.
“RSV is a cold-like virus that is usually mild but can put some people in the hospital,” says Dr. Cheryl Emoto, Medical Director of LaSalle Medical Associates. “For the first time this fall, young infants and seniors (those with the highest risk for severe disease) now have a way to prevent it.”
SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. – A new monoclonal antibody and new anti-viral vaccines are coming for the first time to provide protection against RSV, Respiratory Syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) Virus. LaSalle Medical Associates clinics will be providing these breakthroughs to patients this fall.
“RSV is a cold-like virus that is usually mild but can put some people in the hospital,” says Dr. Cheryl Emoto, Medical Director of LaSalle Medical Associates. “For the first time this fall, young infants and seniors (those with the highest risk for severe disease) now have a way to prevent it.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that “Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious. Infants and older adults are more likely to develop severe RSV and need hospitalization. Vaccines are available to protect older adults from severe RSV. Monoclonal antibodies are available to protect infants.”
The CDC goes on to note that RSV is “one of the most common causes of childhood illness and is the most common cause of hospitalization among infants [emphasis ours].” It usually starts in the fall and peaks in the winter, but this can vary.
Monoclonal antibodies and vaccines may now prevent RSV. A monoclonal antibody is a clone of a unique white blood cell (white blood cells are the body’s own infection fighters) given to augment and reinforce the body’s natural defenses. It’s the option available for infants who are entering their first RSV season. They are not used when someone already has RSV.
Up until now, almost all children have contracted RSV by the time they reach 24 months, so the new prevention regimen has the potential to prevent illness and potential complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia, making life easier for both infants and their parents or caretakers.
For older adults, the CDC estimates that between 60 to 100 thousand are hospitalized every year. resulting in 6,000 to 10,000 deaths. The most at-risk cohorts are older adults, adults with chronic heart or lung disease, those with weakened immune systems or certain underlying medical conditions and residents in nursing homes or long-term care facilities.
Complications may include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, a chronic disease of the lungs that makes it hard to breathe), and congestive heart failure—when the heart can’t pump enough blood and oxygen through the body.
Additionally, this year, there is now a regimen for pregnant women that keeps the developing fetus safe from infection. Now is the time to contact your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment for preventive care, especially if you are pregnant, have an infant under 8 months of age or are 60 years of age or older.
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA) who are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare, and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Brand New Day, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).
LaSalle staff also help people who come into a clinic without any insurance to become enrolled for a variety of state and federal health coverage.
For more information call (909) 890-0407 or go online to
B R I E F: 325 Words
New Ways to Prevent RSV Infections
“RSV is a cold-like virus that is usually mild but can put some people in the hospital,” says Dr. Cheryl Emoto, Medical Director of LaSalle Medical Associates. “For the first time this fall, young infants and seniors (those with the highest risk for severe disease) now have a way to prevent it.”
SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. – A new monoclonal antibody and new anti-viral vaccines are coming for the first time to provide protection against RSV, Respiratory Syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) Virus. LaSalle Medical Associates clinics will be providing these breakthroughs to patients this fall.
“RSV is a cold-like virus that is usually mild but can put some people in the hospital,” says Dr. Cheryl Emoto, Medical Director of LaSalle Medical Associates. “For the first time this fall, young infants and seniors (those with the highest risk for severe disease) now have a way to prevent it.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that “Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious. Infants and older adults are more likely to develop severe RSV and need hospitalization. Vaccines are available to protect older adults from severe RSV. Monoclonal antibodies are available to protect infants.”
Monoclonal antibodies and vaccines can now help prevent RSV. A monoclonal antibody is a clone of a unique white blood cell (white blood cells are the body’s own infection fighters) given to augment and reinforce the body’s natural defenses. It’s the option available for infants entering their first RSV season. They are not used when someone already has RSV.
RSV can lead to severe complications, such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, a chronic disease of the lungs that makes it hard to breathe), congestive heart failure (when the heart can’t pump enough blood and oxygen through the body) and pneumonia.
For more information call (909) 890-0407 or go online to
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to over 350,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.
Photo Caption: “Early recognition of symptoms, proper physical examination, and swift intervention are the keys to survival. If you or a family member have any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room,” said Dr. Andrew Benin, M.D.
“Here At LaSalle, we always stress the importance of annual physical exams and proper follow-ups to screen for cancers and other conditions that increase the risk of liver cancer,” says Dr. Andrew Benin of LaSalle Medical Associates.
REDLANDS, CALIF. –October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month, and The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) aims to raise awareness about the warning signs of both types of liver cancer. The AACR notes that liver cancer is more prevalent in men than women, and it is more common among Asian/Pacific Islanders and American Indian/Alaska Natives.
Dr. Andrew Benin of LaSalle Medical Associates says, “According to the NIH the incidence of liver cancer will increase by more than 50 percent and the number of deaths is projected to increase by more than 55 percent between 2020 and 2040. This is exactly why here at LaSalle, we always stress the importance of annual physical exams and proper follow-ups to screen for cancers and other conditions that increase the risk of liver cancer such as hepatitis.”
“We encourage everyone to work on lifestyle modifications such as decreasing alcohol use, avoiding IV drug use, and limiting fatty foods. Ultimately, the best thing anybody can do for screening and prevention is to make an appointment and have a conversation with their healthcare provider. Early recognition of symptoms, proper physical examination, and swift intervention are the keys to survival.”
The two types of primary adult liver cancer are liver cells (hepatocellular carcinoma) and liver bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma). People who have cirrhosis or hepatitis B or C are especially at risk, according to the AACR.
The National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program projects 41,210 new cases of liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer in 2023, resulting in approximately 29,380 deaths. The five-year relative survival rate is only 21.6 percent.
Symptoms for both liver cell cancer and bile duct cancer include losing weight without trying, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), and or white, chalky stools.
Symptoms unique to liver cell cancer are loss of appetite, upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, general weakness and fatigue, and abdominal swelling, Symptoms unique to bile duct cancer are intensely itchy skin, abdominal pain on the right side, below the ribs, fever, night sweats and dark urine.
“Early recognition of symptoms, proper physical examination, and swift intervention are the keys to survival. If you or a family member have any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room,” said Dr. Benin.
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). Patients are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare, Covered California, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Brand New Day, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).
For an appointment or more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
B R I E F: 320 Words
October Is Liver Cancer Awareness Month
“Early recognition of symptoms, proper physical examination, and swift intervention are the keys to survival,” says Dr. Andrew Benin of LaSalle Medical Associates.
REDLANDS, CALIF. –October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month, and The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) aims to raise awareness about the warning signs of both types of liver cancer. The AACR notes that liver cancer is more prevalent in men than women, and it is more common among Asian/Pacific Islanders and American Indian/Alaska Natives.
The National Cancer Institute projects 41,210 new cases of liver and bile duct cancer, with approximately 29,380 deaths for 2023. The five-year relative survival rate is just 21.6 percent.
Symptoms for both liver cell cancer and bile duct cancer include losing weight without trying, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), and white, chalky stools.
Symptoms unique to liver cell cancer are loss of appetite, upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, general weakness and fatigue, and abdominal swelling, symptoms unique to bile duct cancer are intensely itchy skin, abdominal pain on the right side, below the ribs, fever, night sweats and dark urine.
Dr. Andrew Benin of LaSalle Medical Associates, says, “According to the NIH the incidence of liver cancer would increase by more than 50 percent and the number of deaths would increase by more than 55 percent between 2020 and 2040. This is exactly why here At LaSalle, we always stress the importance of annual physical exams and proper follow-ups to screen for cancers and other conditions that increase the risk of liver cancer such as hepatitis.
“Early recognition of symptoms, proper physical examination, and swift intervention are the keys to survival. If you or a family member have any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room,” said Dr. Benin.
For an appointment or more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to over 350,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.
“Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Arteaga.
“Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Arteaga.
REDLANDS, CALIF. LaSalle Medical Associates encourages women to come in for breast cancer screening during October, which is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. ” October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer.,” said the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network says mammograms should start at 40 for women at average risk, but before 40 for women with a higher risk profile, such as a genetic mutation, family history, a benign breast disease diagnosis, or radiation therapy to the chest at a young age.
“Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Albert Arteaga.
Dr. Arteaga himself lost a younger sister to breast cancer when she was in her 40s. “There were three of us,” said Dr. Arteaga. “Our youngest sister never opened up to tell either me or her older sister—both of us being doctors—that she had a lump on her breast. Later we learned that she kept making excuses about it, ‘I bumped myself’ or ‘It’s just a bruise’ and she basically ignored it for over six months.
“She was in her early 40s and unfortunately, the disease spreads more rapidly in younger women than it does in women who are past menopause, due to female hormones that promote growth. Our family had no history of cancer, and she was otherwise healthy. But at the age of 48 years, six months, and 28 days she died.
“Once she was diagnosed, she was a good patient, followed her doctors’ orders, and participated fully in her treatment. The cancer metastasized to her brain, and she was able to beat that. But in the end, it spread to her liver, and that was the end.”
When asked what he would say to women about this tragic disease, Dr. Arteaga said, “Stop living in denial! At the first sign of a lump, make an appointment to see your physician. And make it a habit to get screened every October when breast cancer awareness month comes around, which is a good way to remember it’s time for a routine mammogram.”
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc., clinics accept Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan coverage, as well as Medicare Medi-Cal and cash.
For more information or to make an appointment call the office closest to you: Fontana (909) 823-4454; San Bernardino17th Street (909) 887-6494; San Bernardino Mt. Vernon Ave. (909) 884-9091; Rialto (855) 349-6019; and Hesperia(760) 947-2161.
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest, independent, and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle operates six clinics employing more than 100 dedicated healthcare professionals, treating children, adults, and seniors in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. LaSalle’s patients are primarily served by Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. LaSalle also accepts Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) coverage.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to approximately 380,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Joaquin and Tulare counties.
Photo Caption: Danny Riggs, a metastatic breast cancer patient, says “Men: if you notice signs of possible breast cancer, it doesn’t mean you’re not a man; it means you need to go see your doctor to get checked. It can save your life. Reach out before you check out.”
“Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga,Chairman ofLaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.
REDLANDS, CALIF. – Every year one in eight women in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. And so are one in 833 men! As the nonprofit organization notes, “Breast Cancer Awareness Month, held in October every year, aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease.”
Men don’t usually think about contracting breast cancer, so they don’t do self-examinations or ask their physician for an exam. Carrie Madrid, co-founder and president of The CARE Project and a breast cancer survivor, says, “Men are being ignored and, unfortunately, because men are more likely to be diagnosed after their cancer has progressed to stage 3 or 4, their survival rates are not as good.
Carrie Madrid Founder & President Carrie began The CARE Project Inc., two years after her own Stage III diagnosis. She realized that there weren’t any local organizations providing financial support to patients undergoing treatment. She also wanted to socialize with others in treatment instead of attending a traditional support group.
“When men finally start treatment, it often means they can no longer work full-time. Like many women, men may be faced with a choice of paying $100 for a copay or buying groceries. We’re here to help. We can provide assistance with copays, utility bills, rent or mortgage payments…whatever the need may be.”
In 2021 President Biden declared October 17 to 23 Men’s Breast Cancer Awareness Week. Some 2,800 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and about 530 will die from it this year, according to the American Cancer Society.
Symptoms that men should be aware of include a lump or swelling in the breast, redness or flaky skin in the breast, irritation or dimpling of breast skin, nipple discharge and pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that such symptoms can also occur for non-cancerous conditions, so they recommend that if a man has any of these symptoms, he should see a doctor right away.
“Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.
Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, encourages all women and men to perform regular breast cancer self-examinations. Women—especially Black women whose breast cancer survival rates are lower than for white women—should also get an annual mammogram.
Dr. Arteaga says, “Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off.”
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health points out that the survival rate if the disease is caught early is 99 percent! Routine screening is the key. Many women skipped their annual checkup during the COVID-19 pandemic, so it may be especially important to schedule a screening this October. Men, this means you too!
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). Patients are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Brand New Day, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).
For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to
B R I E F: 326 Words
Men: It’s Breast Cancer Checkup Time!
“Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga,Chairman ofLaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.
REDLANDS, CALIF. – Every year one in eight women in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. And so are one in 833 men! Yes, breast cancer affects both women and men. And because men are more likely to be diagnosed after their cancer has progressed to stage 3 or 4, their survival rates are not as good.
Carrie Madrid, co-founder and president of The CARE Project and a breast cancer survivor, says, “Men are being ignored and, unfortunately, because men are more likely to be diagnosed after their cancer has progressed to stage 3 or 4, their survival rates are not as good.
“When men finally start treatment, it often means they can no longer work full-time. We’re here to help. We can assist with copays, utility bills, rent or mortgage payments, whatever the need may be.”
Symptoms in men include a lump or swelling in the breast, redness or flaky skin in the breast, irritation or dimpling of breast skin, nipple discharge and pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area. These symptoms can also arise for other conditions, so if a man has any of them, he should see a doctor right away.
Dr. Albert Arteaga, chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, says, “Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off.”
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health points out that the key to survival is routine screening!
For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to over 350,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.