Left to right: Salvation Army officer, Sam Valdez, President Matthew Johnson of San Bernardino The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. , Salvation Army Major Adelma Braga, Major Isais Braga, Lonnie Gallaher, Stake Communication Director for the Church in San Bernardino, Salvation Army officer Mike Delgado. In front of food donated by the church to serve the hungry in the san bernardino area.
Major Isaias Braga, Corps Officer of The Salvation Army San Bernardino/Redlands Corp, said, “The Salvation Army is privileged to receive a substantial food donation from the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints San Bernardino Stake. This partnership is essential for fulfilling the Salvation Army mission in our region.”
Lonnie Gallaher, Stake Communication Director for the Church in San Bernardino, said, “We are grateful to be able to support the good work the Salvation Army has been doing in the community for years.
Many members of our Church serve as Salvation Army volunteers at the Food Distribution site. When we found out from one of them, that the food program needed a boost, we were ready to help,” said Gallaher.
The partnership between the two churches strengthened noticeably two years ago when The Church of Jesus Christ members helped out with The Salvation Army’s annual toy drive.
“The Bishops’ Central Storehouse in Salt Lake City over-produces nonperishable food as part of our ongoing effort to be prepared for any emergency. Canned fruits and vegetables, canned meats, packaged cereals, pasta, and grains…everything is centrally processed and ready to meet any need that may arise,” said Gallaher.
The Salvation Army’s Business Administrator, Steve Pinckney, said “Our partnership with the The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints has been a blessing. Like our own, the Church of Jesus Christ is dedicated to humanitarian needs, including feeding the hungry.”
The Salvation Army food distribution program can provide a healthy meal for a hungry neighbor for just $1.28. “We can serve meals to 140 families a week,” says Pinckney, “and with an average of four people per family, the total is over 2,200 meals a month.”
The San Bernardino Stake of the Church includes most of the City of San Bernardino, Crestline, Running Springs, Lake Arrowhead, and a sizable portion of the City of Highland. This dovetails with The Salvation Army’s San Bernardino Corps, making the partnership a natural fit.
Matthew Johnson, President of the San Bernardino Stake, said, “We, as a church, strive to follow the admonition of the Savior Jesus Christ, to feed the hungry, offer a drink to the thirsty, take in a stranger, to clothe the naked and to visit those who are sick and afflicted. Through the donations of Church members, we can offer assistance to those in need.
Photo caption: Salvation Army Major Adelma Braga, Major Isais Braga, The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, Communications Director Lonnie Gallaher, Salvation Army officer Sam Valdez. In the truck Mike Delgado. In front of food donated by the church to serve the hungry in the San Bernardino area.
“We believe in assisting with no regard to race, religious affiliation, or nationality. We strive to work with other organizations, faith, and community based, to offer relief and support in helping God’s children to meet basic needs as they strive to become self-reliant.”
Major Isaias Braga, Corps Officer of The Salvation Army San Bernardino/Redlands Corp, said, “The Salvation Army is privileged to receive a substantial food donation from The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints San Bernardino Stake. This partnership is essential for fulfilling the Salvation Army mission in our region.
This initiative reveals the deep concern The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints has for the less privileged of our community, for which we are very grateful. Also, the volunteer support received from the church members is crucial and enables us to alleviate hundreds of families that come to us weekly experiencing food insecurity.”
Salvation Army’s Sam Valdez unloads food from the load.
For more information call (909) 792-6868. Donations can be made online at SanBernardino.SalvationArmy.org or by calling 1-(800)-SAL-ARMY, specifying that you want your donation applied to the San Bernardino Corps in California.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Donates 20 Tons of Food to The Salvation Army
REDLANDS CALIF. The San Bernardino Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints has donated a semi-truck full of nonperishable food to The Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps summer food program. Nearly 40,000 pounds of canned and packaged foods will arrive at The Salvation Army warehouse Thursday morning, July 6.
Lonnie Gallaher, Stake Communications Director for the Church in San Bernardino, said, “We have been working with The Salvation Army here for years. Many of our members serve as Salvation Army volunteers and we found out from one of them, that the food program needed a boost.”
The Salvation Army’s Business Administrator, Steve Pinckney, said “Our partnership with The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints has been a blessing. The Church of Jesus Christ, like our own, is dedicated to humanitarian needs, including feeding the hungry.”
Matthew Johnson, President of the San Bernardino Stake, said, “We, as a church, strive to follow the admonition of the Savior Jesus Christ, to feed the hungry, offer a drink to the thirsty, take in a stranger, to clothe the naked and to visit those who are sick and afflicted. Through the donations of Church members, we can offer assistance to those in need.”
For more information call (909) 792-6868. Donations can be made online at SBCSVA.org or by calling 1-(800)-SAL-ARMY, specifying that you want your donation applied to the San Bernardino Corps in California.
About the Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps
The Salvation Army may provide emergency services including food; lodging for homeless or displaced families; clothing and furniture; assistance with rent or mortgage and transportation when funds are available.
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church and offers evangelical programs for boys, girls, and adults. One of the largest charitable and international service organizations in the world, The Salvation Army has been in existence since 1865 and in San Bernardino since 1885, supporting those in need without discrimination. Donations may always be made online at www.salvationarmyusa.org or by calling 1-(800)-SAL-ARMY. Our local number is (909) 792-6868.
SVA-PR-1235.4 Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints Food Donation
“Small children can drown in only a few inches of water, so parents, grandparents, and babysitters need to pay attention to children around any size swimming pool,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, president and CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates Inc. on pool safety.
“The average 2-year-old is two-and-a-half to three feet tall, so while a wading pool seems safe to an adult, it is a danger to a small child,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, president and CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates
SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. Summer is here, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reminds us that more children ages 1–4 die from drowning than any other cause of death, and for children ages 5–14, drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death after motor vehicle crashes.
Hotter days are coming, motivating many youngsters to head for the pool to swim and play in the water. LaSalle Medical Associates is urging local residents to remain cautious and vigilant around swimming pools regardless of size, even small inflatable pools less than a foot deep.
“The average 2-year-old is two-and-a-half to three feet tall, so while a wading pool seems safe to an adult, it is a danger to a small child,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, president, and CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates Inc. on pool safety. “Small children can drown in only a few inches of water, so parents, grandparents, and babysitters need to pay attention to children around any size swimming pool.”
The CDC goes on to note that every year sees some 4,000 fatal unintentional drownings, an average of 11 deaths a day. Other nonfatal drownings add 4,000 more incidents and while the drowning victim survives, they may suffer long-term health problems and incur expensive hospital stays.
“Swimming can be deceptive,” says Barbara Graber, the education and audit coordinator for LaSalle. “We, as adults, become complacent because children are having fun or we feel comfortable in our environment at the time. But swimming pools are potentially dangerous for children, and we have to keep this in mind all the time.”
To prevent drowning, the recommendations are to:
Learn survival swimming skills.
Avoid using alcohol while swimming or supervising children near water.
Designate a responsible adult to watch young children while swimming or playing in or around water.
Never let older children be in charge of younger children in pool areas.
Place a fence around pools or spas with a gate that locks. Keep the gate closed and locked at all times.
Never swim alone.
Keep a cordless, water-resistant phone near the pool in the event of an emergency.
Parents looking into buying small, portable pools such as a wading pool should consider those with sides rigid enough for children to grab. Also, the pool’s surface should be sturdy and not slick so as to avoid slipping.
In each of its six clinics, LaSalle’s Clinic Safety Committee has posters on display with pool safety tips. These posters are available at no charge to the public, LaSalle officials say.
“The idea is to keep parents aware of these safety tips in order to convey the message,” Arteaga says. “Drowning can become a tragedy, but it is one that is most avoidable.”
In addition to pool safety, LaSalle also encourages local residents to protect their skin while enjoying time outside in the sun.
“More time in the pool means more time in the sun and the sun can cause serious sunburns even possibly leading to various levels of skin cancer later in life,” Graber says.
Graber suggests using sunblock with an SPF of at least 15, which will stop 93 percent of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.
Remember to reapply after swimming, she says.
To download a free pool safety poster listing important safety tips for children and seniors, go to Free Pool Safety Poster.
For more information or to make an appointment, call 1-855-349-6019.
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to approximately 365,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Tulare counties.
“Small children can drown in only a few inches of water, so parents, grandparents and babysitters need to pay attention to children around any size swimming pool,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, president and CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates Inc. on pool safety.
Carl Dameron has a diabetic check-up with his PA at Lasalle Medical Clinic’s Mt. Vernon Office. Carl and his family of four have been LaSalle patient since 2004.
“We see a lot of Latino and Black people and sad to say, type 2 diabetes and its harmful effects are far too common with us,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Albert Arteaga.”
SAN BERNARDINO, CAIF. There is an old saying that “You are what you eat.” And when it comes to what you eat and your chances of contracting type 2 diabetes, this is especially true.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, “You can inherit a predisposition for diabetes, a disease that disproportionately affects racial and ethnic minorities.” The FDA goes on to note that the death rate for Hispanics from diabetes is “50 percent higher than for non-Hispanic whites.”
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health research studies spanning the years 2018 and 2019 found that non-Hispanic Blacks were “twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to die from diabetes” and “2.5 times more likely to be hospitalized with diabetes and associated long-term complications than non-Hispanic whites.”
San Bernardino County’s population is 55.8 percent Hispanic or Latino and 9.4 percent Black or African American, per the United States Census Bureau’s July 2022 estimates. In Riverside County, the percentages are 51.6 for Hispanics or Latinos and 7.5 for Blacks or African Americans.
“We see a lot of Latino and Black people,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Albert Arteaga, “and sad to say, type 2 diabetes and its harmful effects are far too common with us.” Type 2 diabetes is a major health concern for the Inland Empire and LaSalle Medical Associates works hard to address the problem.
Dr. Arteaga says, “Our physicians make it a point to discuss proper nutrition with patients they see who may be pre-diabetic or who have already been diagnosed with the disease.”
Several risk factors contribute to this problem and one of those is eating the wrong foods. Latino and African American diets often include fatty pork, foods fried or cooked with lard or unhealthy shortenings and oils, and starchy vegetables like beans, corn, potatoes, chickpeas, and parsnips, not to mention lots of sugary soft drinks and juices.
Some foods are loaded with refined sugars that few people think as high in sugar, including barbecue sauces, ketchup, baked beans, tomato soups and sauces, canned fruits and vegetables, salad dressings, and Asian-style sauces like Thai sweet chili and teriyaki. These, too, are often part of ethnic minority diets.
Now that the Covid pandemic has receded, LaSalle’s clinics are reaching out to encourage people to come in for preventive health screenings that include talking about diet and diabetes. “We see a lot of Latino and Black clients and we make sure that they get the facts about how important good nutrition is to their overall health and especially diabetes prevention and treatment,” said Dr. Arteaga.
“In addition to avoiding the bad foods, we recommend good ones: lean pork, chicken—especially with the skin off and roasted rather than fried, fish, and healthy veggies—spinach, kale, broccoli, beets, carrots, collard greens, cabbage, cucumbers, cauliflower, raw tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, alfalfa sprouts, and garlic,” added Dr. Arteaga.
Another key factor is consistent management. Diabetes has no cure. Once a person has it, no magic pill or shot will make it go away. “You must stick with your treatment program,” said Dr. Arteaga. “Staying on one’s meds and sticking to a healthy diet is something we constantly remind our adult and pediatric patients to do.”
LaSalle serves many people who are covered by Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. They also accept patients covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP). LaSalle knows how to help people who lack insurance enroll in coverage that fits their needs.
For more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (855) 349-6019 or go online to LaSalleMedical.com.
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle operates six clinics employing more than 100 dedicated healthcare professionals, treating children, adults, and seniors in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. LaSalle’s patients are primarily served by Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. LaSalle also accepts Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) coverage.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to approximately 365,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, and Tulare counties.
LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Albert Arteaga, M.D.
“We did a very thorough review and evaluation of several management services organizations, and we believe that Altura will be a great help in freeing us up to spend more time with our patients,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates.
SAN BERNARDINO, CAIF. On September 1, 2023, LaSalle Medical Associates transitions to a new Management Services Organization (MSO)—Altura Management Services Organization, LLC. MSOs are organizations that provide a variety of administrative functions for Independent Practice Associations on a contract basis.
Services include such routine but time-consuming tasks as utilization management, claims processing, and provider credentialing.
“We did a very thorough review and evaluation of several management services organizations, and we believe that Altura will be a great help,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates.
Altura’s goal is to continuously enhance the quality of the Independent Practice Association (IPA) services that they provide. LaSalle’s alliance with Altura is expected to improve the timeliness, accuracy, and quality of claims payments, credentialing, utilization management, reporting, and other services. This will also advance LaSalle’s relationships with health plans and its performance of health plan requirements.
LaSalle serves many people who are covered by Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. They also accept patients covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP). LaSalle knows how to help people who lack insurance enroll in coverage that fits their needs.
For more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to LaSalleMedical.com.
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to approximately 365,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Tulare counties.
Growing Inland Achievement President and CEO, Dr. Carlos Ayala, Dr. Carlos Ayala speaks at GIA’s annual Toward a Shared Vision Summit. Photo by Robert A. Whitehead
Ayala is credited with working with the Network to establish Growing Inland Achievement (GIA), as a 501(c)(3), IRS tax-exempt organization; more than doubling the size of the organization; and bringing more than $20 Million to the region for education.
INLAND EMPIRE, CA – President and CEO of Growing Inland Achievement (GIA), Dr. Carlos Ayala, will retire in June 2023.
GIA serves both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties as a regional, cross-sector network of education, government, nonprofit and business partners in the Inland Empire; collectively, they work towards a shared vision of educational and economic success.
“It has been an honor to serve the students of the Inland Empire, says Dr. Ayala. “I have learned a great deal about the affordances and constraints our students, families, institutions and community-based organizations face when it comes to student success.”
Dr. Ayala, age 62, has more than 25 years of service in public education. During his tenure as CEO, Ayala is credited with working with the network’s partners to establish GIA as a 501(c) (3), tax-exempt organization, more than doubling the size of the organization and raising millions of dollars for Inland Empire education.
Under his guidance and working with the network members, GIA was accepted as one of only six organizations in the U.S. chosen by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to participate in its Intermediaries for Scale program, also known as Higher Endeavor, bringing $10 million of support to the region for postsecondary transformation reforms.
“I want to thank the GIA Board of Directors and employees for their commitment to the people and students of the Inland Empire,” Ayala said. “I also wish to thank the vast array of people who are committed to changing the economy of the Inland Empire through education. Their work is notable and I remain convinced that the path forward is at your doorstep—engage collectively.”
The Board of Directors for GIA will oversee the process of choosing Dr. Ayala’s successor.
“As its first CEO, Carlos established the organization, including a set of processes to help us move forward,” said Dr. Kim Wilcox, GIA Board Chair and Chancellor of UC Riverside. “I’m personally grateful for his efforts.”
“Dr. Ayala brought a deep knowledge of the education landscape, strong leadership, and a passion for positively impacting student lives to our organization,” said Ann Marie Sakrekoff, COO of Growing Inland Achievement. “He is leaving GIA in a great position to succeed in our next chapter. Under Dr. Ayala’s leadership, GIA has become nationally recognized.”
GIA’s shared vision is that by 2035, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties will be widely recognized for their educated workforce, thriving communities and vibrant economy that creates prosperity for all.
Growing Inland Achievement, which serves both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, is a regional cross-sector network of education, government, nonprofit, and business partners in the Inland Empire, collectively working towards a shared vision of educational and economic success.
GIA staff support this work by researching issues and opportunities, developing financial resources for the region, and connecting diverse stakeholders across the two-county region of the Inland Empire.
GIA’s shared vision is that by 2035, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties will be widely recognized for their educated workforce, thriving communities, and vibrant economy that creates prosperity for all.
The Honorable Connie Leyva a former California State Senator and current executive director of KVCR TV/FM
The Claremont Links will present its Community Service Award to the Honorable Connie Leyva a former California State Senator and current executive director of KVCR TV/FM at the annual Red Dress Luncheon.
Claremont, Calif. Amaryllis Watkins, president of the Claremont Area (CA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, announces the return of the Red Dress Luncheon at the Sheraton-Fairplex Hotel in Pomona since the pandemic restrictions were lifted. “This exciting event will be held on February 18, 2023. Reception at 10 am followed by Luncheon and Program at 11:30 am.,” said Watkins.
Amaryllis Watkins, president of the Claremont Area (CA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated
Community Service Award will be presented to the Honorable Connie Leyva a former California State Senator and current executive director of KVCR TV/FM- the Inland Empire’s only public media station.
Mistress of Ceremony for the day is Dr. Soraya M. Coley the sixth president of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Gloria Morrow, the CEO of GM Psychological Services and Director of Behavioral Health for Unicare Community Health Center, who is one of the nation’s leading clinical psychologists.
Heart disease is the leading killer for both men and women according to 2021 statistics with Blacks two to three times more likely to die of the deadly disease. The event will focus on heart health, especially that of women.
“Our goal is to raise awareness about the prevention of heart disease because, according to 2021 statistics, heart disease is the leading killer for both men and women.,” said Watkins.
“We encourage prevention that is gained by knowing your “cholesterol and glucose numbers”. Experts also encourage us all to exercise regularly, manage stress, and maintain a healthy diet and weight. We will have health professionals at the Red Dress luncheon to answer questions and share information on prevention,” said Watkins.
This event is also a fundraiser that delivers funds for The Links, Incorporated to provide college scholarships and other services to graduating high school students, continuing college students, and medical and law students.
The Claremont Area (CA) Chapter of The Links provides transformational community service which includes families transitioning from homelessness and the mentoring of students to ensure their college graduation.
“Please consider supporting our event by attending the luncheon or by donating on our website www.claremontarealinks.com. “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others”. ~Booker T. Washington,” said Watkins.
Dr. Soraya M. Coley ~ Mistress of Ceremony
Dr. Soraya M. Coley is the sixth president of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona).
Dr. Soraya M. Coley is the sixth president of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona). An accomplished educator and administrator with four decades of experience in higher education, Dr. Coley is the first woman and the first African American scholar to be named president of Cal Poly Pomona. She has ushered in a new era of strategic leadership for the campus, establishing a vision for Cal Poly Pomona as a model for an inclusive polytechnic university that inspires creativity, discovery, and innovation embraces local and global challenges, and transforms lives. In 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Dr. Coley to the California Future of Work Commission, which is charged with making recommendations to the Governor and Legislature regarding the kinds of jobs Californians could have in the decades to come. Additionally, Dr. Coley is a member of the American Council on Education Women’s Network, the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, the Pasadena Bioscience Collaborative, and the Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs. She is a former member of the board of directors for Children and Family Futures as well as the Kern County Schools’ “Ready to Start” program. In 2000, she was recognized as “One of Ten Women Making a Difference” by Orange County Metro Magazine.
Connie Leyva ~ Community Service Award Winner
Community Service Award will be presented to the Honorable Connie Leyva a former California State Senator and current executive director of KVCR TV/FM
The Honorable Connie Leyva is a former California State Senator and current executive director of KVCR TV/FM- the Inland Empire’s only public media station. San Bernardino Community College District Chancellor Diana Z. Rodrigues said, “Connie Leyva has spent her entire career centering Inland Empire families, and she’ll bring her passion for our region’s success to advance KVCR’s success.” At KVCR, she oversees their long-range plan which includes expanding student training opportunities for careers in media and journalism, broadcasting the country’s only twenty-four-hour national Native American and World Indigenous television channel, growing content relevant to Riverside and San Bernardino counties, and strengthening community partnerships and raising funds.
Dr. Gloria Morrow~ Keynote Speaker
Dr. Gloria Morrow, the CEO of GM Psychological Services and Director of Behavioral Health for Unicare Community Health Center, is one of the nation’s leading clinical psychologists.
Dr. Gloria Morrow, the CEO of GM Psychological Services and Director of BehavioralHealth for Unicare Community Health Center, is one of the nation’s leading clinical psychologists. She serves as a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant and a Lead Trainer for the CBMCS (California Brief Multicultural Competency Scale) Training Program. Dr.Gloria also facilitates a wide range of training relevant to cultural humility and cultural competency. She has served as a consultant for The King Center in Atlanta, Georgia, where. Bernice King serves as the CEO. Dr. Gloria’s work surrounding the role of Spirituality in recovery has gained notoriety with the development of a three-day training and handbook entitled S.A.F.E. (Spirituality and Faith Empowers) to equip the faith community and mental health professionals to help hurting people. She is also known for her extensive leadership and team-building training. Dr. Gloria is a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop facilitator for conferences and retreats, who discusses mental health and life skills topics for women and men. Dr. Gloria has authored several books and has appeared as a frequent guest on various news networks and a variety of radio shows, including Stevie Wonder’s KJLH.
About The Claremont Area Chapter of the Links, Incorporated
The Claremont Area Chapter in the tradition of the Links, Incorporated is committed to linking our friendship and resources to form a chain of strength, pride, and trust which works to improve the quality of life in our joint communities. Our voluntary efforts, energies, talents, and thrusts are dedicated to stimulating and supporting the positive goals and aspirations of minorities, through our commitment to our national programmatic thrust. In our 35-year history, the Claremont Area Links has made great strides in developing and implementing exemplary programs in the Inland Empire of Southern California.
theBlack Rose Awards honors of the unsung heroes who have worked diligently to improve the lives of others throughout the Inland Empire, in 2011 The Black Cultural Foundation awarded Black Rose Awards to the following award community advocates: (back row left to right) Juanita Dawson, James Butts, Jimmie Brown, Herb English Jr., John Futch, Mark Campbell, Vicki Lee, Carl Dameron, Timothy Evans from The Unforgettables Foundation, Dr. Queen Hamilton, (left to right front row) Geraldine Reaves, Jennifer Vaughn-Blakely and Dr. Harold Cebrun. Photo by Chris Sloan.
San Bernardino, Calif. In 1926 Carter G. Woodson founded the first Black History Week, selecting the second week of February to commemorate the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, whose birthdays were the 12th and 14th, respectively. In the 1940s, efforts began to expand the week to a month, with West Virginia Blacks inaugurating the change.
Black History Month
Known then as Negro History Month, the expanded commemoration began to spread and by the mid-1960s had taken root in Chicago, where cultural activist Frederick H. Hammaurabi, who founded the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, made the change. Later in that decade, young Black college students all over the country (starting with Kent State in Ohio in February of 1969), who were becoming more politically conscious and active, began changing the name to Black History Month.
In 1974 then-President Gerald Ford met with civil rights leaders Vernon Jordan, Bayard Rustin, Dorothy Height, and Jesse Jackson and two years later made the celebration of Black History Month official. As he said at the time, “…we can seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
As the Association for the Study of African American Life and History notes on its website about the adoption of Black History Month, “Since the mid-1970s, every American president, Democrat, and Republican, has issued proclamations endorsing the Association’s annual theme.”
Black Rose Awards
The Black Rose Awards are a complement to Black History Month. The awards are sponsored by the San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 1968 by a small group of people who were concerned that, “…nationwide, our school systems have not yet incorporated Black history studies into regular school curriculums. Thus, all students miss the opportunity to learn more about a vital part of this country’s history.”
The Foundation’s purpose “…is to foster an interest and a greater understanding of African-American culture, to heighten community awareness of the accomplishments of Black people, past and present, and to plan, coordinate and direct an annual Black History Month parade and related cultural activities…[and] bridge the gaps that exist across cultural lines by bringing the local community together to celebrate this event in the spirit of unity and brotherhood.”
The Black Rose Awards are the Foundation’s showcase cultural event. The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation’s 30th Black Rose Award Winners will be recognized at the annual banquet on Saturday, February 4, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the California State University, San Bernardino, Santos Manuel Student Union 5500 University Parkway.
Arlington Rodgers, President of the Foundation, said, “We are enthusiastically looking forward to this year’s Black History Month activities as we extend the hand of friendship and understanding to all ethnic groups throughout the Inland Empire.”
The Black Rose Awardees for 2023 are: Dr. Juanita H. Scott Humanitarian of the Year, Humanitarian of the Year to Rose Mayes, Executive Director Fair Housing Council of Riverside County; Black Rose Recipients are: Linda Wright, Moreno Valley Black Chamber of Commerce; Gloria Macias Harrison, President Emeritus, Crafton Hills College, San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustees; Deborah Robertson, Mayor of Rialto, Founder of The Women’s Conference; and the Jim King’s Black Rose Corporate Founder’s Award from Dignity Health—Community Hospital of San Bernardino: Administrators June Collison, President, Roz Nolan, Chief Nurse Executive Officer and Staff Dr. Ruby Skinner.
The Salvation Army has served San Bernardino since 1887. They support those in need without discrimination. The Salvation Army serves the cities of Big Bear, Blue Jay, Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, other mountain communities, Bloomington, Colton, Grand Terrace, Highland, Rialto, Loma Linda, Yucaipa, Mentone, Redlands, and San Bernardino.
Liyah Bevins – 18, is a psychology major at California Baptist University in Riverside
Prince Ogidikpe District Representative for Eloise Gomez Reyes, the California Assembly’s Majority Leader, representing the 47th Assembly District
SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation has announced the winners for its 30th Annual Black Rose Awards in the Margaret Hills Black Rose Inspiration Young Adults category. They are Liyah Bevins and Prince Ogidikpe.
They will be honored at the Foundation’s annual banquet on February 4, 2023, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the California State University, San Bernardino, Santos Manuel Student Union, 5500 University Parkway.
“The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, founded in 1986 to honor and share the richness of our Black heritage, to recognize world diversity and inspire our youth/adults toward leadership, providing scholarships and career opportunities,” said Foundation President Arlington Rodgers.
The Black Culture Foundation’s mission is to bridge cultural differences across generations through nurturing, educating, and building lasting, respectable, and encouraging communities.
Liyah Bevins
Ms. Bevins, 18, is a psychology major at California Baptist University in Riverside. She hopes to combine her passions for teaching and psychology by being a teacher to parents of children with mental health issues. She aims to help them understand what their child is going through and how to help. “I aspire to be someone’s light when they are in a dark place.” She is a member of the Unspeakable Praise Dance Ministry, working to create family bonds in her community ad church. She returned to her high school alma mater to help create a positive environment for students struggling mentally as a member of the school’s Wellness Team.
Prince Ogidikpe
Prince earned a bachelor’s degree in biological psychology with a minor in communications at Cal State San Bernardino. A native of Bayelsa State in Nigeria, he moved to the United States in 2010. At CSUSB he was elected to serve terms as the Associated Students’ Executive Vice President and President. He currently works as a District Representative for Eloise Gomez Reyes, the California Assembly’s Majority Leader, representing the 47th Assembly District.
These two outstanding young people will join 10 other awardees at the Foundation’s February 4th dinner. The other honorees are: Dr. Juanita H. Scott Humanitarian of the Year, Humanitarian of the Year to Rose Mayes, Executive Director Fair Housing Council of Riverside County; Black Rose Recipients are: Linda Wright, Moreno Valley Black Chamber of Commerce; Gloria Macias Harrison, President Emeritus, Crafton Hills College, San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustees; Deborah Robertson, Mayor of Rialto, Founder of The Women’s Conference; and the Jim King’s Black Rose Corporate Founder’s Award from Dignity Health—Community Hospital of San Bernardino: Administrators June Collison, President, Roz Nolan, Chief Nurse Executive Officer and Staff Dr. Ruby Skinner.
This is the Foundation’s first event since Covid, and “our coffers are bare and in need of replenishment to continue providing scholarships,” said Committee Co-Chair Kristine Scott. Individual tickets are $75 each. For more information or to purchase tickets go to EventBright: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/30th-black-rose-awards-banquet-tickets-491089169927.
For more information please contact the event’s Co-Chairs: Kristine Scott at (909) 809-0317 or kscott@socalgas.com or Jim King at (760) 239-8200 or jimking5000@yahoo.com.
SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. The 30th Black Rose Award Winners are Dr. Juanita H. Scott, San Bernardino Valley College Foundation, Humanitarian of the Year Rose Mayes -– Executive Director Fair Housing Council of Riverside County; Black Rose Winners; Linda Wright, Moreno Valley Black Chamber of Commerce; Gloria Macias Harrison, President Emeritus, Crafton Hills College, San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustees; Deborah Robertson, Mayor of Rialto, Founder of The Women’s Conference; and three honorees for the Black Rose Founder’s Award from San Bernardino Community Hospital: June Collison President, Roz Nolan, Chief Nurse Executive Officer, and Dr. Ruby Skinner.
The awards ceremony will also make three posthumous tributes to Black Rose Senior Kings Don Griggs, Jimmy Jews, and Jesse Nichols.
The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation’s 30th Black Rose Award Winners will be recognized at the annual banquet on Saturday, February 4, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the California State University, San Bernardino, Santos Manuel Student Union 5500 University Parkway.
In remembrance of Dr. Margaret Hill, the Black Culture Foundation has renamed its Margaret Hill Community Support Award to the Dr. Margaret Hill Black Rose Young Adults Inspiration Award. This award will present scholarships to two inspirational and outstanding San Bernardino Black young adults graduating grade 12 or in college, said Black Rose Committee Co-Chair Kristine Scott.
“This year’s Award Gala is held to commemorate Rosa Parks’ birthday,” said Black Rose Committee Co-Chair Jim King.
Black Culture Foundation President Arlington Rodgers said the foundation’s mission is to bridge cultural differences across generations through nurturing, educating, and building lasting, respectable, and encouraging communities.
“The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, founded in 1986 to honor and share the richness of our Black heritage, to recognize world diversity and inspire our youth/adults toward leadership, providing scholarships and career opportunities,” said Rodgers.
“The Foundation has prided itself on giving more than 125 scholarships to community students over the years. This is our first event since Covid, and our coffers are bare and in need of replenishment to continue providing scholarships,” said Committee Co-Chair Kristine Scott.
Dr. Juanita H. Scott Humanitarian of the Year Award:
Rose Mayes
Rose Mayes
Executive Director of the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Inc. since 1993. Under Rose’s leadership, the Fair Housing Council created Mission Heritage Plaza, a mixed-used project that includes the Fair Housing office, the Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California, and 72 units of affordable housing.
Black Rose Awards:
Linda D. Wright
Linda Wright
As an organization design specialist, Wright has successfully helped over 70 nonprofit organizations to attain their 501(c) 3 or (c) 6 nonprofit status, 80 for-profit corporations, 15 LLCs, and 10 partnerships.
The Moreno Valley Black Chamber of Commerce that Wright directed received several awards, including Chamber of the Year three times. Wright also wrote and created several community educational programs for the Foundation that including prisoner and group home re-entry training.
Deborah Robertson, Mayor of Rialto
Mayor Deborah Robertson
On November 3, 2020, the voters of the City of Rialto reaffirmed their confidence in the leadership of Mayor Deborah Robertson, reelecting her to a third four-year term as mayor. Her public service career includes over 20 years on the Rialto Council and over 45 years of public and governmental career public service.
Mayor Robertson’s visionary leadership has thrust the City of Rialto into the national spotlight as a recognized leader in the areas of public-private partnerships, industrial environmental sustainability endeavors, first-in-the-nation grant-supported partnerships of environmental efficiency projects, as well as a partnership with alternative fuel generation return to the natural gas grid, generating local revenue outcomes, more significant business development, and a skilled job creation platform.
Gloria Macias Harrison
Gloria Macias Harrison has balanced two careers plus family and community activism since the early sixties. She is one of the founders of El Chicano (1969), a community weekly that provides a Chicano voice in the Inland Empire.
Her activist history includes work with the San Bernardino City Unified School District, the War on Poverty, United Farm Workers, Operation Second Chance, and Planned Parenthood.
Harrison served as President of Crafton Hills College from 2000 until her retirement in 2012. Before that, she was Vice President of Instruction at Crafton Hills College for six years and Dean of Humanities at San Bernardino Valley College for three years and taught community college students for over 20 years.
Since 2012 she has served on the San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustees, currently as Chair of the Board and sits on the Budget and Legislative Committees. She serves on the Crafton Hills College Foundation and the California Housing Foundation.
Jim King Corporate (Founders) Award:
Don Griggs
Don Griggs
Griggs, who passed away in July 2020, pioneered the first Boy Scouts Camporee program for over 100 Black and Latino boys who experienced outdoor camping, learned first aid, and mastered scouting skills. The BSA awarded him its Whitney Young Award in 2015. As a Nordstrom manager, he ensured that people of color were hired and employees of all races were treated equitably and was a volunteer at Priscilla’s Helping Hands HUGS (Home Unity Growth Groups) program.
Jimmy Jews
Jimmy Jews
Jews broke the color barrier as San Bernardino’s first Black firefighter in 1971 and retired 25 years later, having risen through the ranks to hold the positions of a fire investigator, spokesperson, and finally, Captain in 1989. Jimmy passed away in November 2022, at the age of 79.
Jesse & Vicki Nichols
Jesse Nichols
Nichols was a business owner who founded Nichols Private Security and was a community activist who made time to help with Home and Neighborly Services’ weekly food distributions and serve as volunteer coordinator for the San Bernardino City Unified School District’s foster and homeless program and their Thanksgiving food distribution program. He passed in August 2021.
San Bernadino Community Hospital
San Bernardino Community Hospital Administration and Staff
Community Hospital has been serving Inland Empire residents for more than 100 years. As a not-for-profit, non-denominational hospital, its mission is building a healthier community and serving the needs of a diverse population.
June Collison
June Collison has served as the President of the Community Hospital of San Bernardino since 2012. As the leader of this 343-bed acute care hospital, she is working to meet the demands of health care reform and the challenges of the local economy.
Roz Nolan is the hospital’s Chief Nursing Officer and Dr. Ruby Skinner is the Chief Medical Officer. With Ms. Collison, both serve on the hospital’s leadership team.
For additional information please contact our Co-Chairs: Kristine Scott at (909) 809-0317, kscott@socalgas.com, or Jim King at p:(760) 239-8200, / jimking5000@yahoo.com.