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    Renowned Psychologist to Speak on The Evolution of The Spiritual Impulse

    Redlands, Calif.  Dr. Daniel Benveniste is a renowned psychologist and author of major books on the classic works of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, will deliver the 36th Annual Rabbi Norman F. Feldheym Memorial Lecture on Thursday, February 9th at 7:30 pm at Congregation Emanu El in Redlands.

    The topic of the illustrated lecture is The Evolution of the Spiritual Impulse.” It will certainly be of interest to people of all faiths as well as students of psychology,” said Rabbi Hillel Cohen.

    Dr. Benveniste grew up in San Bernardino and currently lives in the Pacific Northwest where he teaches and is a clinical psychologist. He is the author of two major works in the field of psychology – The Interwoven Lives of Sigmund, Anna, and W. Ernest Freud: Three Generations of Psychoanalysis and the most recently published –Libido, Culture, and Consciousness – Revisiting Freud’s Totem and Taboo.

    “In the lecture, he will share some of the most significant insights of Freud and Jung. Benveniste has been acclaimed for weaving together the fields of archeology, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, psychoanalytic theory, sociology, and religion to get a full picture of human development,” said Rabbi Cohen.

    The annual Rabbi Norman F. Feldheym Lecture was established in 1985 at the time of Feldheym’s death by members of Congregation Emanu El as well as many friends in the wider community.

    Rabbi Feldheym served as rabbi of Congregation Emanu El from 1937 to 1971 and as Rabbi Emeritus of the historic congregation from 1971 until his death in 1985. In addition to being a leader of religious life in the Inland Empire and a highly respected community leader, he was a devoted student of Freudian and Jungian psychology and in his retirement taught at the Jung institute in Switzerland.

    Congregation Emanu El is located at 1495 Ford Street in Redlands. The lecture is open to the public and there is no charge for attendance. For more information call (909) 307-0400.
