Brian Fraser New CFO at LaSalle Medical Associates
“LaSalle is poised to take advantage of great opportunities.” — Brian Fraser, CFO, LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.
REDLANDS, CALIF. — Brian Fraser has joined LaSalle Medical Associates as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Fraser brings more than 30 years of financial management experience, including more than 15 years as CFO of EPIC Management Services, where he worked alongside LaSalle’s current CEO, Duane Whittington.
“LaSalle has a long and rich history of serving patients in the community. I am thrilled to join LaSalle and look forward to working with Duane and Dr. Arteaga to advance the growth and diversification vision of the organization,” says Fraser.
Fraser will be a key part of the leadership team at LaSalle, working closely with Whittington and LaSalle’s founder, Dr. Albert Arteaga, on key strategic measures to expand LaSalle’s existing business and diversify into new and complementary lines of business.
Fraser brings a broad range of financial management experience to LaSalle, including public accounting, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing and cultural resource management. Fraser is a Certified Public Accountant and received a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Redlands.
“LaSalle is excited to add yet another seasoned professional to our executive team as we position ourselves to expand LaSalle’s footprint,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, MD, founder of LaSalle Medical Associates. Mr. Fraser’s history and experience will further support the organization’s vision and mission to deliver patient-centered care to all.
For more information, contact the LaSalle corporate office in Redlands by calling (909) 890-0407 or visiting their website,
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to more than 360,000 patients in Fresno, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.
Dr. Marcus Funchess, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources of the San Bernardino City Unified School District is The Dr. Juanita Scott Humanitarian of the Year Co-Award winner.
Jack B. Clark, Jr., a partner at the law firm of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo, is The Dr. Juanita Scott Humanitarian of the Year Co-Award winner.
The awards will be presented at the Black Rose Awards Gala on Friday, February 23 at 5:30 p.m. at the Riverside Convention Center.
SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. Feb. 7, 2024 — The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation announces that Jack B. Clarke, Jr., partner at the law firm of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo, and Dr. Marcus Funchess, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources of the San Bernardino City Unified School District, have won the 2024 Dr. Juanita Scott Humanitarian of the Year Award.
Foundation President-elect Carl Dameron said, “We have chosen two outstanding Inland Empire people for the Humanitarian Award this year so that they can be recognized and publicly thanked for their long-time and ongoing service to the people of the Inland Empire.”
Clarke handles litigation concerning education law, special education disputes, public agency litigation, and other substantial matters. He has successfully defended school districts and other education clients in student disciplinary matters, civil rights and Constitutional claims, and special education due process hearings.
Clarke was the first African American to chair the board of the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce, and he served as chair of the Mayor’s Use-of-Force Review Panel in 1999 following the high-profile police shooting death of Tyisha Miller in Riverside, California.
His community service contributions have been recognized by the Riverside County Bar Association, California Law Business magazine, the NAACP, the American Diabetes Association, and now the Black Culture Foundation.
Funchess has served the Inland Empire (IE) as an elementary school teacher from 1998 to 2007, a vice principal from 2007 to 2010 and then principal from 2010 to July 2016 at the Thompson and Henry Elementary Schools, and assistant superintendent of human resources at the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) since August 2020. Funchess also served as Human Resources Director from 2016 to 2020.
He received his Doctorate in Leadership for Educational Justice from the University of Redlands in 2014. Funchess collaboratively developed the Aspiring Administrator program to grow and develop SBCUSD leaders from within the District. He also helped develop the Golden Bell Award-winning Grow Our Own initiative to educate and hire the next generation of educators from within the community.
The initiative encourages current SBCUSD students interested in careers in education to pursue their dreams with support from the District, even after leaving high school, and return to SBCUSD to share their knowledge and experience.
The Black Rose Awards are on Friday, February 23, at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are available at:
“Additional Black Rose Award winners include Acquanetta Warren, Mayor of Fontana; James C. Baker II, Park Commissioner for the City of Moreno Valley; Michael Beauregard, Assistant Manager at Sam’s Club; Tina Darling, Director of Education at American Career College, Ontario, and chair of the Nursing and Health Ministry at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church; and Aristotle McDaniel, founder of GPL-Grandparents Love,” said Foundation President, Ezekiel Adeleke.
The 31st Annual San Bernardino Culture Foundation Black Rose Awards ceremony takes place on Friday, Feb. 23, starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Riverside Convention Center.
The Black Rose Awards are a complement to Black History Month. The awards are sponsored by the Black Culture Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 1968 by a small group of people who were concerned that, “…nationwide, our school systems have not yet incorporated Black history studies into regular school curriculums. Thus, all students miss the opportunity to learn more about a vital part of this country’s history.”
The Black Culture Foundation’s purpose “…is to foster an interest and a greater understanding of Black culture, to heighten community awareness of the accomplishments of Black people, past and present, and to plan, coordinate and direct an annual Black History Month parade and related cultural activities…[and] bridge the gaps across cultural lines by bringing the local community together to celebrate this event in the spirit of unity and brotherhood.” The Black Rose Awards are the Foundation’s major cultural event.
Cake, cookies, and rich desserts of all kinds tempt us to over-indulge. Think thin slices and small portions. Who needs to feel bloated or suffer from a stomachache, or worse if you are diabetic?
VICTORVILLE, CALIF. — Seasonal holidays bring with them great reasons to celebrate with friends and family. But they also provide excuses to eat too much, drink too much, and eat unhealthy, waistline-destroying foods. Avoid “morning after” regrets and help your friends and family remember good times with these helpful hints.
As Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve approach, Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates, one of the Inland Empire’s largest privately owned healthcare providers, suggests that you think about your friends and family as well as yourself as you attend or prepare holiday get-togethers.
Nobody will ever regret moderation,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates.
Alcohol consumption needs to be limited. If you’re hosting a get-together or being a guest, think. Do you want one of your friends or a family member to leave the party only to get involved in a traffic accident on their way home? Do you want to be pulled over for driving under the influence, or worse?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says two drinks a day for men and one or less per day for women should be the limit. This should be your guideline, one you need to observe if you want to remember your holiday gathering with pleasure, rather than pain.
“If you are hosting, don’t put yourself in danger of being sued for everything you own because you let one of your guests drink too much and leave your premises drunk followed by a traffic accident they cause,” said Arteaga.
He added, “Maybe there’s no accident, but the police pull your bestie over for DUI. How will you feel about that?”
Arteaga suggests you be a good, responsible host. If you’re a guest or attendee at someone else’s function, be smart. Even if you have only two drinks and eat only reasonably healthy food, but too much of it, you may end up the next day or two getting on the scale and wondering where that extra two to five pounds came from.
Cake, cookies, and rich desserts of all kinds tempt us to over-indulge. Think thin slices and small portions. Who needs to feel bloated or suffer from a stomachache, or worse if you are diabetic?
Also, beware of highly processed snack foods that add salt, sugar, oil, and other substances in mind-boggling concentrations that provide your gut with hard-to-digest starches, hydrogenated fats, and other waistline- and health-destroying ingredients.
Harvard Medical School notes that “ultra-processed foods are the main source (nearly 58 percent) of calories eaten in the US and contribute almost 90 percent of the energy we get from added sugars….a French research study found that those who consumed more ultra-processed foods had higher risks of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease.”
Dr. Arteaga suggests you make sure you have a holiday season to remember fondly. Eat smart, drink smart. Be a good host and a thoughtful guest. However, if you end up getting sick because you ate or drank too much, remember LaSalle delivers the Gold Standard of Care at their six clinics in San Bernardino County.
LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). Patients are covered by most major medical plans and if you are low-income, LaSalle can help get you into affordable healthcare.
For more information call 1-855-349-6019 or go online to
“Nobody will ever regret moderation,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chair of LaSalle Medical Associates.
San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca
SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF.— The San Bernardino Democratic Luncheon Club has announced that 5th District San Bernardino County Supervisor Joe Baca Jr. will be the guest speaker for the Club’s November 17th meeting.
Baca has gained a reputation as a champion of education through his actions, such as his recent sponsorship of a College and Career Day at the County Government Office. Workshops, panel discussions, and networking sessions combined to connect students with County departments and professionals from diverse fields of potential interest to San Bernardino City and County school district students.
Also during his tenure to date, the Supervisor has paid attention to park improvements, including compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for the park’s restrooms, splash pads, and gating. He has also announced an affordable housing project for Bloomington, a mobile veterinarian clinic, and a partnership with Arrowhead Regional Medical Center to improve district residents’ access to the medical center’s mobile clinics.
Democratic Luncheon Club President Attorney Tim Prince says, “Baca always delivers for San Bernardino. He leads a great staff and commissioners, keeps his commitments, and is amongst the most responsive and committed of public servants. We are lucky to have Joe as our Supervisor and friend.”
Luncheon Club meetings start at noon and are held at Juan Pollo Restaurant, 1258 West 5th St., San Bernardino.
Anyone wishing to contact the Club can send an email using the online “Contact Us” form at
“Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Arteaga.
“Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Arteaga.
REDLANDS, CALIF. LaSalle Medical Associates encourages women to come in for breast cancer screening during October, which is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. ” October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer.,” said the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network says mammograms should start at 40 for women at average risk, but before 40 for women with a higher risk profile, such as a genetic mutation, family history, a benign breast disease diagnosis, or radiation therapy to the chest at a young age.
“Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Albert Arteaga.
Dr. Arteaga himself lost a younger sister to breast cancer when she was in her 40s. “There were three of us,” said Dr. Arteaga. “Our youngest sister never opened up to tell either me or her older sister—both of us being doctors—that she had a lump on her breast. Later we learned that she kept making excuses about it, ‘I bumped myself’ or ‘It’s just a bruise’ and she basically ignored it for over six months.
“She was in her early 40s and unfortunately, the disease spreads more rapidly in younger women than it does in women who are past menopause, due to female hormones that promote growth. Our family had no history of cancer, and she was otherwise healthy. But at the age of 48 years, six months, and 28 days she died.
“Once she was diagnosed, she was a good patient, followed her doctors’ orders, and participated fully in her treatment. The cancer metastasized to her brain, and she was able to beat that. But in the end, it spread to her liver, and that was the end.”
When asked what he would say to women about this tragic disease, Dr. Arteaga said, “Stop living in denial! At the first sign of a lump, make an appointment to see your physician. And make it a habit to get screened every October when breast cancer awareness month comes around, which is a good way to remember it’s time for a routine mammogram.”
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc., clinics accept Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan coverage, as well as Medicare Medi-Cal and cash.
For more information or to make an appointment call the office closest to you: Fontana (909) 823-4454; San Bernardino17th Street (909) 887-6494; San Bernardino Mt. Vernon Ave. (909) 884-9091; Rialto (855) 349-6019; and Hesperia(760) 947-2161.
LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest, independent, and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.
LaSalle operates six clinics employing more than 100 dedicated healthcare professionals, treating children, adults, and seniors in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. LaSalle’s patients are primarily served by Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. LaSalle also accepts Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) coverage.
LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to approximately 380,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Joaquin and Tulare counties.
“The Resource Fair brings together many of our partners who offer services like ours as well as services we are not able to provide and gives people who need help a convenient way to get the help they need,” said Major Braga.
REDLANDS CALIF. The Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps’ “Fight for Good” features a Community Resource Fair at Meadowbrook Park, 250 N. Sierra Way on Wednesday, May 17th, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Local community service organizations will be on hand offering a wide variety of services to provide support for San Bernardino families in need of help.
This is one of the local events celebrating National Salvation Army Week, running from May 15th to the 21st. The Salvation Army Corps of San Bernardino will join the National Salvation Army in a week-long series of events to pray for the hungry, homeless, and hopeless and demonstrate the good works it does. This event takes place all over the nation.
“The Resource Fair brings together many of our partners who offer services like ours as well as services we are not able to provide and gives people who need help a convenient way to get the help they need,” said San Bernardino Corps chief executive Major Braga.
These are the community service organizations confirmed as of this writing; more are still pending. Naomi Goforth, Director of Programs, said, “We will have between 20 and 30 organizations on hand from throughout the community.”
Community Action Partnership
Cal State San Bernardino Project Rebound
Telecare CORE/FACT
San Bernardino County Workforce Development
SAC Health
SAC Dental
San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, COVID Vaccinations
San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, HIV/Hep C Screenings
SoCal United Way 211+
Option House
Inland Empire Health Plan
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center Mobile Medical Clinicians
Inland Behavioral and Health Services
Assemblymember James Ramos
Dignity Health, St Bernardine’s Medical Center
Goodwill SoCal Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program
Veterans Administration Loma Linda Homeless Outreach
San Bernardino County Child Support Services Office
Open Door/Family Assistance Program
Borrego Health
Inland County Legal Services
In 1954, the first National Salvation Army Week was declared by the United States Congress and proclaimed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower as a reminder for Americans to give freely. This year’s San Bernardino Corps event showcases the services it offers to the hungry, homeless, and hopeless in the community, providing facility tours and live streaming of Salvation Army programs in action, with testimonials from people that have been helped.
The Resource Fair is a special added attraction that highlights the array of service providers that are available to provide help above and beyond what The Salvation Army itself can provide. The greater San Bernardino area is fortunate to have such a robust network.
By itself, the Salvation Army provides emergency services including daily meals, food baskets; lodging for homeless or displaced families; after-school programs for youth, summer camping programs, clothing, showers, and furniture; assistance with rent or mortgage and transportation; and rehabilitation for homeless families when funds are available.
“For Salvation Army Week we are asking our friends to help our neighbors in need and commit to a $5 per month or more if you-can giving program that adds up to a considerable level of tax-deductible support for Salvation Army programs that help the hungry, homeless and hopeless,” said Major Braga.
Donations can be made online at or by calling 1-(800)-SAL-ARMY, specifying that you want your donation applied to San Bernardino Corps in California.
For more information call (909) 792-6868.
About the Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps
The Salvation Army may provide emergency services including food; lodging for homeless or displaced families; clothing and furniture; assistance with rent or mortgage and transportation when funds are available.
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church, and offers evangelical programs for boys, girls, and adults. One of the largest charitable and international service organizations in the world, The Salvation Army has been in existence since 1865 and in San Bernardino since 1885, supporting those in need without discrimination. Donations may always be made online at or by calling 1-(800)-SAL-ARMY. Our local number is (909) 792-6868.
You are invited to pray for the hungry, homeless, and hopeless with The Salvation Army, Mayor, and Council in front of City Hall on the Week of May 15 to 21. We will pray for about 15 min. then resume our day.
We will have 11×17 posters viable next week to invite local businesses and citizens to the prayer. Can you please post it in your office and share it with your members?
Please email me at to let me know if you can help us in this effort to pray for the hungry, homeless, and hopeless.
Growing Inland Achievement President and CEO, Dr. Carlos Ayala, Dr. Carlos Ayala speaks at GIA’s annual Toward a Shared Vision Summit. Photo by Robert A. Whitehead
Ayala is credited with working with the Network to establish Growing Inland Achievement (GIA), as a 501(c)(3), IRS tax-exempt organization; more than doubling the size of the organization; and bringing more than $20 Million to the region for education.
INLAND EMPIRE, CA – President and CEO of Growing Inland Achievement (GIA), Dr. Carlos Ayala, will retire in June 2023.
GIA serves both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties as a regional, cross-sector network of education, government, nonprofit and business partners in the Inland Empire; collectively, they work towards a shared vision of educational and economic success.
“It has been an honor to serve the students of the Inland Empire, says Dr. Ayala. “I have learned a great deal about the affordances and constraints our students, families, institutions and community-based organizations face when it comes to student success.”
Dr. Ayala, age 62, has more than 25 years of service in public education. During his tenure as CEO, Ayala is credited with working with the network’s partners to establish GIA as a 501(c) (3), tax-exempt organization, more than doubling the size of the organization and raising millions of dollars for Inland Empire education.
Under his guidance and working with the network members, GIA was accepted as one of only six organizations in the U.S. chosen by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to participate in its Intermediaries for Scale program, also known as Higher Endeavor, bringing $10 million of support to the region for postsecondary transformation reforms.
“I want to thank the GIA Board of Directors and employees for their commitment to the people and students of the Inland Empire,” Ayala said. “I also wish to thank the vast array of people who are committed to changing the economy of the Inland Empire through education. Their work is notable and I remain convinced that the path forward is at your doorstep—engage collectively.”
The Board of Directors for GIA will oversee the process of choosing Dr. Ayala’s successor.
“As its first CEO, Carlos established the organization, including a set of processes to help us move forward,” said Dr. Kim Wilcox, GIA Board Chair and Chancellor of UC Riverside. “I’m personally grateful for his efforts.”
“Dr. Ayala brought a deep knowledge of the education landscape, strong leadership, and a passion for positively impacting student lives to our organization,” said Ann Marie Sakrekoff, COO of Growing Inland Achievement. “He is leaving GIA in a great position to succeed in our next chapter. Under Dr. Ayala’s leadership, GIA has become nationally recognized.”
GIA’s shared vision is that by 2035, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties will be widely recognized for their educated workforce, thriving communities and vibrant economy that creates prosperity for all.
Growing Inland Achievement, which serves both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, is a regional cross-sector network of education, government, nonprofit, and business partners in the Inland Empire, collectively working towards a shared vision of educational and economic success.
GIA staff support this work by researching issues and opportunities, developing financial resources for the region, and connecting diverse stakeholders across the two-county region of the Inland Empire.
GIA’s shared vision is that by 2035, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties will be widely recognized for their educated workforce, thriving communities, and vibrant economy that creates prosperity for all.
Dameron Communications of San Bernardino, CA has been honored with recognition by in its selection of “Top PR Agencies 2022.”
San Bernardino, Calif. – Dameron Communications of San Bernardino, CA has been honored with recognition by in its selection of “Top PR Agencies 2022.”
Carl Dameron, founder of Dameron Communications said: “This is quite an honor for us. The fact that included Dameron Communications in its selection of “Top PR Agencies 2022,” signals that our constant efforts toward business excellence are paying off. We are proud to be included in this recognition.”
Dameron Communications’ is an Advertising and public relations agency based in Southern California receiving award-winning client accolades, and delivering effective Advertising and public relations for more than 30 years.
“We infuse research and creativity into our advertising and public relations methods to deliver winning and measurable results,” said Dameron.
He added, “We serve clients who make the world a better place: businesses small or large; candidates; governments or nonprofits; and products, services, or causes. We reach our clients’ communications goals.”
Following the publication of Dameron Communications’ selection for’sTop PR Agencies 2022 list, American Registry seconded the honor and added Dameron Communications to the “Registry of Business Excellence™”. An exclusive recognition plaque, shown above, has been designed to commemorate this honor.
For more information on Dameron Communications, located in San Bernardino, CA please call 909-534-9500, or visit Dameron
Citrus City Brass, a quintet based out of Redlands, CA. Our resident members include Kenley Nakao, Mark Perez (trumpets), and Tom Francis (trombone).
SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF.— The Citrus City Brass will play at the Red Kettle Kick-Off this Thursday, November 17th at 5:30 PM, at the Bear Springs Hotel Events Center, 27923 Highland Ave, Highland, CA 92346.
“The Salvation Army has a wonderful brass band that played at recent Red Kettle Kick Offs; however, they were already booked this year. I was lucky to hear The Citrus City Brass and we are blessed to have them play for us this year. They are wonderful musicians,” said Major Isaias Braga.
“We are honored to play for the Salvation Army,” said Kenley Nakao, Trumpeter, Citrus City Brass LLC., CEO “They hear a lot of brass music so we are honored to be asked to play for them at their annual fundraiser. Please watch our video of “Love of My Life” by Freddie Mercury at”
Citrus City Brass, a quintet based out of Redlands, CA. Our resident members include Kenley Nakao, Mark Perez (trumpets), and Tom Francis (trombone).
For nearly 50 years, Chairwoman Valbuena has held numerous elected and appointed positions within San Manuel tribal government.
Hungry, homeless, hopeless? Trouble paying monthly bills, drug, or alcohol addiction? The Salvation Army helps people in need with all these problems and more. Different programs have different funding sources and one of the most important sources is the annual Red Kettle Kick Off campaign each Christmas season.
The Salvation Army bell ringers in front of your favorite stores collect money that provides food; lodging for homeless or displaced families; food baskets available daily, hot meals, clothing, and furniture; assistance with rent or mortgage and transportation when funds are available.
During the Christmas season, The Salvation Army also delivers holiday food baskets to about 500 local families and provides toys to children whose parents cannot afford them.
On Christmas Eve, The Salvation Army of San Bernardino hosts a Christmas Dinner that historically provides a delicious meal to approximately 200 people. Donations from people who donate to the Red Kettles help make this possible.
Donors are asked to drop off turkeys, hams, canned food, cash, checks or gift cards at the Salvation Army’s Corps Office at 838 Alta Street, Redlands, 92373.
For more information call (909) 792-6868.
About the Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church and offers holistic programs for individuals of all. One of the largest charitable and international service organizations in the world.
The Salvation Army has served San Bernardino since 1887, and Redlands since 1885, supporting those in need without discrimination. They serve the cities of: San Bernardino, Redlands, Highlands, Rialto, Loma Linda, Colton, Yucaipa, Calimesa, Bloomington, Mentone, Grand Terrace, Muscoy, and the mountain communities.
About The Citrus City Brass
Citrus City Brass LLC.’s mission is to promote the enjoyment of music and highlight the continuous Evolution of the Brass Quintet. Through multi-genre concerts, engaging educational outreach programs, and the inclusion of multicultural diverse backgrounds to supply a well-rounded approach towards instrumental music. You can also check us out on Facebook and Instagram @citruscitybrass where we post up to date performances, music content, and more. For more information call (808) 344-6194.