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    Ad Club Speaker to Discuss Google Shopping & ecommerce on June 13

    For more Information call
    Carl Dameron @ (909) 534-9500

    (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) A luncheon speaker will discuss how to master the new Google Shopping for ecommerce on June 13 at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cucamonga.  It is open to the public and registration begins at 11:30AM.

    The presentation by Andrew David,  “How To Make Google Shopping Work,” is directed at marketing managers, agencies, business owners, paid search managers and ecommerce managers who control ecommerce websites.  It is sponsored by the Inland Empire Chapter of the American Advertising Federation (AAF).
    Davis is the author of Merchant Comparison Shopping Handbook, the first handbook on comparison shopping engines for online retailers.  He is also a columnist for Search Engine Watch.
    At CPC Strategy in San Diego, Davis is a marketing manager who focuses on full service comparison shopping for online retailers.  He was previously an account consultant to enterprise online retailers and marketing agencies.  His presentation will explain questions that should be asked before launching an online ecommerce campaign.
    “If you are involved with marketing an ecommerce website, you should attend this luncheon,” said John McCarthy, Vice President of the local ad club.  “Google Shopping replaced Google Products and today has fewer retailers than before, which means less competition.  But optimizing your campaigns is the key to success.  Come learn how to design your strategy at this luncheon.”
    Early bird registration is $20 for ad club members and the general public before June 7.  After that, the cost is $25 for members and $30 for the public.  To register online, visit https://www.runmyclub.com/aafie/eventcalendar.asp or http://aaf-inlandempire.com/  The Old Spaghetti Factory is located at 11886 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga.


    Political and Community Leaders, and Senator Richard D. Roth join GRID Alternatives IE to celebrate Earth Day 2013 at Solar Install and Open House!

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    (Jurupa Valley, CA)  GRID Alternatives Inland Empire held its Earth Day Installation and Open House on Friday, April 19, 2013 attracting a veritable who’s who of distinguished political leaders and representatives from the California Congress, Assembly and Senate.
    Local elected officials from City of Jurupa Valley City Council, as well as community leaders also joined in this historic day. GRID Alternatives is a non-profit organization that brings the benefits of solar power to low-income communities. The event gave attendees the opportunity to see first-hand how GRID Alternatives makes every day Earth Day by witnessing a solar system being placed on the roof, the impact of job trainees receiving invaluable workforce development at no cost, and the hardworking and deserving family who will save on their electric bill while positively contributing to the environment.
    To commemorate this landmark event State Senator Richard D. Roth from the Thirty-First Senate District attended and was the special guest speaker! “I am grateful for the opportunity to see the teamwork and commitment of GRID Alternatives during the solar panel installation in Jurupa Valley. It is very impressive to see the work GRID Alternatives is doing throughout Inland Southern California and what solar energy is doing to save working families money through lower energy bills. GRID Alternatives helps create excellent partnerships to build strong families and communities throughout our region and throughout California.”
    The event provided the opportunity to share the success story of past volunteer and team leader, Carmen Valles, who as a result of the “classroom on the roof” workforce development experience, was able to be hired on full time within the Solar Industry and proudly declared, “they helped me re-invent myself from a ex-bank executive to a fully rounded solar employee. Carmen also shared with the crowd, “Grid Alternatives I. E. is known for reducing one of the most expensive utility bills, electricity, but at the same time they are simultaneously training an army of Solar Installers.”
    Also in attendance from the Sixtieth District, where the Habitat for Humanity Home is located, was AssemblyMember Eric Linder and Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Riverside, Karin Roberts. Joining them were representatives from AssemblyMember Cheryl Brown of the Forty-Seventh District, Congressman Mark Takano of the Forty-first district, The California Public Utilities Commission, and the Morongo Band of Mission Indians.
    The Earth Day Event installed a 3.2 kW solar electric system which will generate more than 170,000 kWh of clean, renewable energy over the system’s lifetime. This equals over $29,800 in total savings for the family. In addition, 101 tons of greenhouse gas emissions will be prevented over the systems’ lifetimes, equivalent to planting 2,365 trees.
    This solar installation was made possible in part by a grant from the S.L. Gimbel Foundation Advised Fund at the Community Foundation serving the Counties of Riverside and San Bernardino.
    For more information on GRID Alternatives or to find out if Solar Panels are right for your home call 888-496-4743.
    About GRID Alternatives
    GRID Alternatives is a non-profit organization that brings the benefits of solar technology to low-income communities. Using a barn-raising model, GRID Alternatives leads teams of volunteers and job trainees to install solar power on qualifying homes, providing needed savings for families struggling to make ends meet while preparing workers for jobs in the fast-growing solar industry and cleaning our air.
    More than 3000 California families have benefitted from the program to date, saving more than $82 million in lifetime electricity costs, and more than 11,500 people have received hands-on solar installation experience. Here in the Inland Empire, more than 430 families have been served to-date, for a combined lifetime savings of over $14 million.
    for more information call
    Carl Dameron at (909) 534-9500