National Restaurant Chain
National Restaurant Chain – A prominent nationwide restaurant chain found itself facing a public relations disaster. A customer contracted an e-coli infection from a salad bar in one of the facilities. While the chain was ruled to be free of responsibility, the word soon spread that the operation was somehow negligent in its processes. Customer counts plummeted.
The Result? Media tours of facilities in various restaurants in the chain were conducted by key local media representatives resulting in often front-page coverage. Chain executives welcomed press conference opportunities to explain what happened and who was or was not responsible, yielding exposure in more than 20 national publications. Within just a matter of weeks, business and customer counts were back to normal.
Stillwater Press
Stillwater Press – The Southern California publisher of the TULIPP Guide, a potentially lifesaving emergency medical foldout, knew how to create it, how to design it, how to get it manufactured. Now, though, they faced the maze of how to get the word out.
The Result? Samples and cover letters were sent to national reviewers and to experts for endorsement comments to be used in later promotion. Among major media results were reviews in Westways magazine from the Auto Club, and the Costco chain’s monthly magazine. The author was interviewed on burgeoning satellite radio and other standard outlets. Media coverage exceeded expectations, and ales ballooned well beyond forcasts.
Jobs Announcements
Jobs Announcements – Dameron’s goal was and is to help Inland Empire residents avoid the long, expensive commutes to other communities for work, by letting them know of local and area employment opportunities. We arranged with the region’s major radio station KOLA – 99.9 to carry at no cost three locally oriented job announcements every weekday morning.
The Result? Over 200 people were hired as a direct result of the in less than six months.
Riverside County Tobacco Control Project
Riverside County Tobacco Control Project – Our efforts were crucial toward attempting to convince the board of supervisors to not accept tobacco ads at county events.
The Results? A new county ordinance was established to forbid tobacco advertising on any county property.
National Trust of the Cayman Islands
National Trust of the Cayman Islands – Dameron Communications staff took on the challenge of helping this small Caribbean island bring part of its history back to life. A tiny, wood, one-room shack had served as a World War seaside lookout for enemy ships and submarines, but it had been neglected for decades, stored and forgotten in an old garage. Few locals, let alone tourists, knew anything about it.
The Result? The room was restored and moved to its original site. Its history was researched and brass signage written, manufactured and installed at the location. Brochures telling the shack’s important history were written and printed. Queen Elizabeth II even attended its dedication, and the room became one of the island’s most popular tourist interests. Tying in with that project, our staff wrote, produced and directed an environmental underwater video shown in a donated kiosk at the island’s airport.
Autoracer’s Monthly
Autoracer’s Monthly – This newsletter, created for amateur road racers, had solid content, a great look and well-known drivers contributing. As the publisher said, “Creating something like this is relatively easy. Getting rid of it is the hard part.” He had to find a way to tell drivers what the publication was and how to get it, plus figure how to track subscribers and their payments.
The Result? We sent copies to all auto racing publications and picked up the equivalent of more than $100,000 in free print exposure. We lined up nationwide phone interviews for the publisher and built a direct mail list of amateur racers, sending them sample pages and a discounted offer. Within the campaign’s first six weeks circulation went from zero to more than 10,000.
Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling – The Southern California used car dealership that specialized in aiding low income customers needed to not only let the area’s potential buyers know how it could help them acquire a car, but to tell the nation and possible shareholders what they were doing.
The Result? A front page story in the nationwide USA Today newspaper, complete with photo and phone number, virtually doubled national business interest Ugly Duckling while increasing used auto sales in excess of 50%.
Auto Sound
Auto Sound – The five-outlet electronics retailers enlisted Dameron Communications to increase sales.
The Result? We generated a 242% increase in sales in just six-weeks, producing the best sales period in the history of the business, and in 60 days built 150% in net profits.
LaSalle Medical Associates
San Bernardino City Councilman Rikke Van Johnson (on the right) congratulates LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc President Dr. Albert Arteaga (on the left) for helping 38 local residents receive free or low cost prescription drugs. The Montel Williams’ “Help is Here Express Bus” visited LaSalle Medical Associates in San Bernardino recently and helped 38 people enroll in a program offering free and low-cost prescriptions.
LaSalle Medical Associates – Its five Inland Empire clinics in California gladly participate in aiding the lower income community with its health needs. Dameron Communicated took on getting the word out regarding LaSalle’s leadership in providing quality health care to patients reguardless of incime. We also focused on LaSalle’s free childhood immunization programs, its free breast screening services, its financial support of the area’s Hurricane Katrina survivors, and its free flu-season immunizations.
The Results? Awards from the Medical Society an maore. Increased traffic to the clinics and increased awreness of the clinics.