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    Posts Tagged ‘San Bernardino’

    The Salvation Army Serves Thanksgiving Dinner

    Volunteers serve Thanksgiving meals. The annual Thanksgiving meal brings in hundreds of families and individuals who do not have the means to provide themselves with a Thanksgiving dinner. The San Bernardino event serves about 200 people each year.

    Volunteers serve Thanksgiving meals. The annual Thanksgiving meal brings in hundreds of families and individuals who do not have the means to provide themselves with a Thanksgiving dinner. The San Bernardino event serves about 200 people each year.

    “We’re serving a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, vegetables, and pie,” said Naomi Goforth the program director.

    REDLANDS, CALIF.— This holiday season the San Bernardino Corps of The Salvation Army once again holds its annual Thanksgiving dinner to help needy families in San Bernardino.

    The San Bernardino Corps will serve dinner from 4:00 P.M to 6:00 pm on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 24, at the Hospitality House & Family Transitional Living Center, 925 W. 10th St., San Bernardino.

    “We’re serving a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, vegetables, and pie,” said Naomi Goforth the program director. “We still need 500 turkeys and many side dishes,” Goforth added. “Whatever people have on their heart to donate, we need.”

    The Salvation Army encourages donations of turkey or ham, side dishes, and other food by calling (909) 888-1336 to plan, or to volunteer to help serve the Thanksgiving dinner.

    The annual Thanksgiving meal brings in hundreds of families and individuals who do not have the means to provide themselves with a Thanksgiving dinner. People come from all parts of the Inland Empire for the celebration. The San Bernardino event serves about 200 people each year.

    Volunteers help prepare the food and serve meals to the families. In recent years, dozens of volunteers have helped the San Bernardino Corps prepare and serve dinner.

    “Thanksgiving should be a special day for everyone, not just for those who can afford it,” says Goforth.

    Other Salvation Army Corps in the Inland Empire are also planning Thanksgiving dinners, although many of these will take place the day before Thanksgiving. To receive information about the dates and times for the dinners at other corps, or to volunteer please call 1-800-SAL-ARMY or 1-800-725-2769.

    Donors are asked to drop off turkeys, hams, canned food, cash, checks, or gift cards at the Salvation Army’s Corps Office at 838 Alta Street, Redlands, 92373, for more information call (909) 792-6868.

    Volunteers serve Thanksgiving meals. The annual Thanksgiving meal brings in hundreds of families and individuals who do not have the means to provide themselves with a Thanksgiving dinner. The San Bernardino event serves about 200 people each year.

    Volunteers serve Thanksgiving meals. The annual Thanksgiving meal brings in hundreds of families and individuals who do not have the means to provide themselves with a Thanksgiving dinner. The San Bernardino event serves about 200 people each year.

    About the Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps

    The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church and offers holistic programs for individuals without discrimination. They serve the cities of Bloomington, Colton, Grand Terrace, Highland, Loma Linda, Mentone, Redlands, Rialto, San Bernardino, and Yucaipa, as well as Big Bear, Blue Jay, Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, and other mountain communities.

    The Salvation Army is one of the world’s largest charitable and service organizations and has been serving San Bernardino since 1888, supporting those in need.

    Photo Caption: Volunteers serve Thanksgiving meals. The annual Thanksgiving meal brings in hundreds of families and individuals who do not have the means to provide themselves with a Thanksgiving dinner. The San Bernardino event serves about 200 people each year.

    Joe Baca Jr. to Speak at Democratic Luncheon Club November 17th

    San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca

    San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca

    SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF.— The San Bernardino Democratic Luncheon Club has announced that 5th District San Bernardino County Supervisor Joe Baca Jr. will be the guest speaker for the Club’s November 17th meeting.

    Baca has gained a reputation as a champion of education through his actions, such as his recent sponsorship of a College and Career Day at the County Government Office. Workshops, panel discussions, and networking sessions combined to connect students with County departments and professionals from diverse fields of potential interest to San Bernardino City and County school district students.

    Also during his tenure to date, the Supervisor has paid attention to park improvements, including compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for the park’s restrooms, splash pads, and gating. He has also announced an affordable housing project for Bloomington, a mobile veterinarian clinic, and a partnership with Arrowhead Regional Medical Center to improve district residents’ access to the medical center’s mobile clinics.

    Democratic Luncheon Club President Attorney Tim Prince says, “Baca always delivers for San Bernardino.  He leads a great staff and commissioners, keeps his commitments, and is amongst the most responsive and committed of public servants.  We are lucky to have Joe as our Supervisor and friend.”

    Luncheon Club meetings start at noon and are held at Juan Pollo Restaurant, 1258 West 5th St., San Bernardino.

    Anyone wishing to contact the Club can send an email using the online “Contact Us” form at https://sbdems.com/?page_id=14.

    Get Screened During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    “Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening and because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Arteaga.

    “Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Arteaga.

    “Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Arteaga.

    REDLANDS, CALIF. LaSalle Medical Associates encourages women to come in for breast cancer screening during October, which is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. ” October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer.,” said the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

    The National Comprehensive Cancer Network says mammograms should start at 40 for women at average risk, but before 40 for women with a higher risk profile, such as a genetic mutation, family history, a benign breast disease diagnosis, or radiation therapy to the chest at a young age.

    “Women should not take chances. Every woman should get an annual breast cancer screening. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an exam,” said LaSalle Medical Associates CEO Dr. Albert Arteaga.

    Dr. Arteaga himself lost a younger sister to breast cancer when she was in her 40s. “There were three of us,” said Dr. Arteaga. “Our youngest sister never opened up to tell either me or her older sister—both of us being doctors—that she had a lump on her breast. Later we learned that she kept making excuses about it, ‘I bumped myself’ or ‘It’s just a bruise’ and she basically ignored it for over six months.

    “She was in her early 40s and unfortunately, the disease spreads more rapidly in younger women than it does in women who are past menopause, due to female hormones that promote growth. Our family had no history of cancer, and she was otherwise healthy. But at the age of 48 years, six months, and 28 days she died.

    “Once she was diagnosed, she was a good patient, followed her doctors’ orders, and participated fully in her treatment. The cancer metastasized to her brain, and she was able to beat that. But in the end, it spread to her liver, and that was the end.”

    When asked what he would say to women about this tragic disease, Dr. Arteaga said, “Stop living in denial! At the first sign of a lump, make an appointment to see your physician. And make it a habit to get screened every October when breast cancer awareness month comes around, which is a good way to remember it’s time for a routine mammogram.”


    LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc., clinics accept Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan coverage, as well as Medicare Medi-Cal and cash.

    For more information or to make an appointment call the office closest to you: Fontana (909) 823-4454; San Bernardino17th Street (909) 887-6494; San Bernardino Mt. Vernon Ave. (909) 884-9091; Rialto (855) 349-6019; and Hesperia(760) 947-2161.

    About LaSalle Medical Associates

    LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest, independent, and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.

    LaSalle operates six clinics employing more than 100 dedicated healthcare professionals, treating children, adults, and seniors in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. LaSalle’s patients are primarily served by Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. LaSalle also accepts Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) coverage.

    LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to approximately 380,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Joaquin and Tulare counties.

    Men: It’s Breast Cancer Checkup Time

    Photo Caption: Danny Riggs, a metastatic breast cancer patient, says “Men: if you notice signs of possible breast cancer, it doesn’t mean you’re not a man; it means you need to go see your doctor to get checked. It can save your life. Reach out before you check out.”

    Photo Caption: Danny Riggs, a metastatic breast cancer patient, says “Men: if you notice signs of possible breast cancer, it doesn’t mean you’re not a man; it means you need to go see your doctor to get checked. It can save your life. Reach out before you check out.”


     “Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.

    REDLANDS, CALIF. – Every year one in eight women in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. And so are one in 833 men! As the nonprofit organization Breastcancer.org notes, “Breast Cancer Awareness Month, held in October every year, aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease.”

    Men don’t usually think about contracting breast cancer, so they don’t do self-examinations or ask their physician for an exam. Carrie Madrid, co-founder and president of The CARE Project and a breast cancer survivor, says, “Men are being ignored and, unfortunately, because men are more likely to be diagnosed after their cancer has progressed to stage 3 or 4, their survival rates are not as good.

    Carrie MadridFounder & President Carrie began The CARE Project Inc., two years after her own Stage III diagnosis. She realized that there weren’t any local organizations providing financial support to patients undergoing treatment. She also wanted to socialize with others in treatment instead of attending a traditional support group.

    Carrie Madrid
    Founder & President
    Carrie began The CARE Project Inc., two years after her own Stage III diagnosis. She realized that there weren’t any local organizations providing financial support to patients undergoing treatment. She also wanted to socialize with others in treatment instead of attending a traditional support group.

    “When men finally start treatment, it often means they can no longer work full-time. Like many women, men may be faced with a choice of paying $100 for a copay or buying groceries. We’re here to help. We can provide assistance with copays, utility bills, rent or mortgage payments…whatever the need may be.”

    In 2021 President Biden declared October 17 to 23 Men’s Breast Cancer Awareness Week. Some 2,800 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and about 530 will die from it this year, according to the American Cancer Society.

    Symptoms that men should be aware of include a lump or swelling in the breast, redness or flaky skin in the breast, irritation or dimpling of breast skin, nipple discharge and pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that such symptoms can also occur for non-cancerous conditions, so they recommend that if a man has any of these symptoms, he should see a doctor right away.

    “Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.

    “Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.

    Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, encourages all women and men to perform regular breast cancer self-examinations. Women—especially Black women whose breast cancer survival rates are lower than for white women—should also get an annual mammogram.

    Dr. Arteaga says, “Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off.”

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health points out that the survival rate if the disease is caught early is 99 percent!  Routine screening is the key. Many women skipped their annual checkup during the COVID-19 pandemic, so it may be especially important to schedule a screening this October. Men, this means you too!

    LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA). Patients are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Brand New Day, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).

    For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to LaSalleMedical.com.


    B R I E F: 326 Words


    Men: It’s Breast Cancer Checkup Time!


    “Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.

    REDLANDS, CALIF. – Every year one in eight women in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. And so are one in 833 men! Yes, breast cancer affects both women and men. And because men are more likely to be diagnosed after their cancer has progressed to stage 3 or 4, their survival rates are not as good.

    Carrie Madrid, co-founder and president of The CARE Project and a breast cancer survivor, says, “Men are being ignored and, unfortunately, because men are more likely to be diagnosed after their cancer has progressed to stage 3 or 4, their survival rates are not as good.

    “When men finally start treatment, it often means they can no longer work full-time. We’re here to help. We can assist with copays, utility bills, rent or mortgage payments, whatever the need may be.”

    Symptoms in men include a lump or swelling in the breast, redness or flaky skin in the breast, irritation or dimpling of breast skin, nipple discharge and pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area. These symptoms can also arise for other conditions, so if a man has any of them, he should see a doctor right away.

    Dr. Albert Arteaga, chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, says, “Men should do the same self-diagnostic routines as women, and if they notice anything that seems questionable, be sure to see your healthcare provider right away. Do not put it off.”

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health points out that the key to survival is routine screening!

    For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to LaSalleMedical.com.



    About LaSalle Medical Associates

    LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.

    LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to over 350,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.


    Volunteer to Keep the Silver Bells Ringing This Holiday Season

    Earl Perkins Rings the bells to raise funds for The Salvation Army to help the Hungry, Homeless and Hopeless this holiday season.

    Earl Perkins Rings the bells to raise funds for The Salvation Army to help the Hungry, Homeless and Hopeless this holiday season.


    “This is a wonderful way to help disadvantaged people in our community, simply by volunteering as bell ringers,” said Major Isaias Braga, commander of The Salvation Army of San Bernardino.


    SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.— The “miracle” of Christmas is repeated through the joy of caring and sharing. The San Bernardino Salvation Army (www.salvationarmyusa.org) seeks volunteers to Keep the Bells Ringing in the cities of San Bernardino, Redlands, Highland, Rialto, Loma Linda, Colton, Yucaipa, Calimesa, Bloomington, Mentone, Grand Terrace, Muscoy, Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead and Running Springs.

    The nationally recognized shiny red kettles are an integral part of the Christmas scene, with lots of dollars donated each year to aid needy families, seniors and the homeless, in keeping with the spirit of the season.

    “This is a wonderful way to help disadvantaged people in our community, simply by volunteering as bell ringers,” said Major Isaias Braga, commander of The Salvation Army of San Bernardino. “We’re looking for individuals, families and groups to spend a day at one of our more than 30 locations in our area.”

    The Salvation Army begins ringing its bells this year on   Monday November 13th, from 10 am through 6 pm and continues Monday through Saturday until Christmas Eve.

    Many volunteers ring two hours at a time, but groups are asked to provide ringers who can work in shifts for an entire day. Anyone who would like to donate a few hours of their time can volunteer. Individuals under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

    Where does the money raised by the ringing bells in San Bernardino go? The Salvation Army provides emergency services including food, housing for homeless or displaced families, clothing and showers, as well as assistance with rent or mortgage and transportation when funds are available.

    “Last Christmas, The Salvation Army provided 650 holiday food baskets to families and 1,400 children received 5,500 toys,” said Braga. On Christmas Eve, The Salvation Army hosts a Christmas Dinner that provides a delicious meal to approximately 300 people. Donations raised by volunteers who Keep the Bells Ringing help make this possible.

    To volunteer to Keep the Bells Ringing, call The Salvation Army at (909) 888-1336.

    To donate to The Salvation Army online, go to: www.salvationarmyusa.org. To donate by phone call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (800-725-2769).

    Photo Caption: Majors Isaias and Adelma Braga welcome donors to The Annual Red Kettle Kickoff. This year’s event is Wednesday, November 15th, at 5:30 pm at the Bear Springs Events Center,  27923 Highland Avenue, Highland, CA 92346. Click here for tickets.

    Photo Caption: Majors Isaias and Adelma Braga welcome donors to The Annual Red Kettle Kickoff. This year’s event is Wednesday, November 15th, at 5:30 pm at the Bear Springs Events Center,  27923 Highland Avenue, Highland, CA 92346. Click here for tickets.

    Pete Van Helden – Stater Bros. Markets Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, will deliver the keynote address at the kickoff event for The Salvation Army’s Annual Red Kettle campaign. It all happens on Wednesday, November 15th at 5:30 PM at the Bear Springs Events Center, 27923 Highland Avenue, Highland, CA 92346

    Buy your tickets today at $250 per person.  A table of 8 is just $1,000.  https://give-sc.salvationarmy.org/event/the-salvation-army-or-san-bernardino-red-kettle-kick-off/e429128/register/new/select-tickets

    About the Salvation Army San Bernardino Corps

    The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church and offers holistic programs for individuals in need without discrimination. One of the largest charitable and international service organizations in the world, The Salvation Army has served San Bernardino and the Inland Empire since 1887. The San Bernardino Corps of The Salvation Army serves Bloomington, Colton, Grand Terrace, Highland, Rialto, and San Bernardino.

    Donations may always be made online at www.salvationarmyusa.org or by calling 1-(800)-SAL-ARMY. Our local service number is (909) 888-1336.


    Helping Homeless Families Get Back in Control of Their Lives

    “All of us who are part of the Hospitality House team love being able to help families, get back in control of their lives.”

    (San Bernardino, Calif.) The San Bernardino Salvation Army Hospitality House stands ready to house homeless families and single women who need temporary, stable shelter. Their target population also includes multi-generational families, and single men with children as well.

    “The Salvation Army Hospitality House serves as a safe refuge that provides residents with a supportive, caring environment and all the resources they need to deal with a wide variety of personal and/or family problems. It all starts with an emergency shelter that can keep participants safely housed for 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on their circumstances,” says Program Manager Naomi Goforth.

    At intake, each new arrival is assessed by trained Salvation Army intake staff.  Once the scope of a client’s needs has been determined, each family is given a detailed individualized case plan and assigned to a case manager who will maintain close contact during their entire stay.

    Each family’s case plan includes comprehensive goals and objectives that cover their intake, transition to permanent housing, help finding a steady job, legal advocacy, child welfare aid, and education. Every resident is treated as an individual with individual needs and every case is different and gets a customized case plan.

    Amanda and her six children are graduates of the Salvation Army Hospitality House. They now live in there own apartment

    Amanda and her six children are graduates of the Salvation Army Hospitality House. They now live in their apartment

    “People who come to Hospitality House may have been sleeping in their cars or were recently released from a hospital. At intake, each new resident gets clothing, bed linens, hygiene products, and a chance to take a breath after whatever ordeal they have just gone through,” says Goforth.

    “I didn’t know what I was going to do,” says one recent Hospitality House graduate.

    “I’m a single mom and I lost my job during the pandemic. Thank goodness, at least my 15-year-old car was paid off and when we were no longer able to pay rent, that’s where we slept. I heard about Hospitality House from a friend and the people there have helped me find a new job, secure a place to live, and even got me enrolled in a course that’s going to add to my skill set so I can advance in my new-found career.”

    Goforth says, “Our residents don’t just sit around and spin their wheels. They actively work on their case plan. Our case managers are good at finding each individual’s motivation to resolve their homelessness and get back on their feet.”

    The Salvation Army Hospitality House Program Manager Naomi Goforth

    The Salvation Army Hospitality House Program Manager Naomi Goforth

    “Sometimes, that may include a referral to one of our partner agencies for things like mental health services, substance use, and legal aid. Whatever they need, we can either provide help in-house or get them connected to the right providers,” says Goforth.

    As current resident K.L. notes, “I had a pretty bad rent history and I knew not many landlords would want to take a chance on me, even though I now have a decent job. But the Salvation Army has helped me reestablish a better tenant history and now I have a place lined up to move to when my stay here ends next week.”

    In 2023 The Salvation Army served 26,013 people and 24,012 households, serving 110,768 meals, and donating groceries to 12,822 households.

    The Hospitality House provided 34,761 nights of shelter to families and children experiencing homelessness; 2,146 children participated in educational and recreational programs.

    To talk with a Hospitality House representative, call (909) 888-4880 or visit the website at SanBernardino.SalvationArmy.org/ 

    Learn More About the Salvation Army’s Mission

    About the Salvation Army

    The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church. One of the largest charitable and international service organizations in the world, The Salvation Army has been in existence since 1865 and in San Bernardino since 1887, supporting those in need without discrimination. To donate, call 1-800 SATRUCK.

    The Salvation Army of San Bernardino serves the cities of San Bernardino, Redlands, Highland, Rialto, Loma Linda, Colton, Yucaipa, Calimesa, Bloomington, Mentone, Grand Terrace, Muscoy and Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead and Running Springs.

    Media Contact

    Salvation Army-PR-1214.2  Hospitality House #1

    For interviews or more information call Carl Dameron

    @ (909) 534-9500

    It’s Time for Your Flu Shot

    Time for your annual Flu vaccine.  Nurse Elisabeth gives Mia-Alexia Martinez 14 her annual Flu vaccine.

    Time for your annual Flu vaccine. Nurse Elisabeth gives Mia-Alexia Martinez 14 her annual Flu vaccine.


    “The Centers for Disease Control tells us that September and October are good times to get vaccinated against the flu,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga.

    SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. – Winter is flu season, but fall is the time to be prepared. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says, “For most people … September and October are generally good times to get vaccinated…[but] it’s important to know that vaccination after October can still provide protection during the peak of the flu season.”

    For the 2023-2024 flu season, the CDC continues to recommend annual influenza vaccination for all persons 6 months of age and older. Of particular concern are persons who are either very young, the elderly, or those who have chronic health conditions that put them at greater risk for complications from the flu—these people should not delay in getting their flu vaccines.

    LaSalle Medical Direct Dr. Cheryl Emoto says, “Parents should take note of the fact that babies, those 6 months of age and older, need to get vaccinated as soon as they are old enough and children younger than 8 years old (including those babies) who are receiving their flu vaccine for the first time, will need a second dose four weeks after the first dose.”

    LaSalle Medical Director Dr. Cheryl Emoto

    LaSalle Medical Director Dr. Cheryl Emoto

    Younger babies can be protected by parents and caregivers getting their flu vaccine, by so-called “herd immunity.” If parents do not get sick with the flu, the babies are also unlikely to get the flu.

    For those over 65 years of age, there are higher-dose vaccines available that provide additional protection for the elderly. And for healthy individuals ages 2-49 years, there is a nasal spray available as a painless option. The nasal spray is just as effective as the injection.

    The CDC notes a common misconception some people have is that a flu vaccine can give you flu, but that is not the case. Flu shots are made with “inactivated” (killed) viruses, or with only a single protein from the flu virus. The nasal spray vaccine contains live viruses that are attenuated (weakened) so that they will not cause illness,” says the CDC.

    We should have flu vaccine available in the clinic by early September and we encourage everyone to get their flu vaccine.

    LaSalle Medical Associates serves people covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare, and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP), and Brand New Day. LaSalle staff have been trained to help people who come into a clinic without any insurance to get signed up for whatever coverage they qualify for.

    For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to lasallemedicalassociates.com.


    B R I E F: 230 Words

    It’s Time for Your Flu Shot

     “The Centers for Disease Control tells us that September and October are good times to get vaccinated against the flu,” says Dr. Albert Arteaga.

    SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. – Winter is flu season, but fall is the time to be prepared. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says, “For most people … September and October are generally good times to get vaccinated…[but] it’s important to know that vaccination after October can still provide protection during the peak of the flu season.”

    LaSalle Medical Direct Dr. Cheryl Emoto says, “Parents should take note of the fact that babies, those 6 months of age and older, need to get vaccinated as soon as they are old enough and children younger than 8 years old (including those babies) who are receiving their flu vaccine for the first time, will need a second dose four weeks after the first dose.”

    LaSalle Medical Associates serves people covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare, and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP), and Brand New Day. LaSalle staff have been trained to help people who come into a clinic without any insurance to get signed up for whatever coverage they qualify for.

    For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to lasallemedicalassociates.com.


    About LaSalle Medical Associates

    LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.

    LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to approximately 365,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Tulare counties.


    LaSalle-PR-342.3 Flu Shot

    For More Information call

    Dr. Greg Zerovnik @ (909) 730-8428

    or email Greg.Z@DameronCommunications.com


    Duane E. Whittington Leaves Beaver Medical Group and Joins LaSalle Medical Associates as New CEO

    Dr. Albert Arteaga, MD, Chairman of LaSalle and Duane E. Whittington new Chief Executive Officer of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.

    Dr. Albert Arteaga, MD, Chairman of LaSalle and Duane E. Whittington new Chief Executive Officer of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.

    “LaSalle has grown from one patient to more than 350,000,” says Albert Arteaga, MD, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, “and we want to grow more, so we’ve hired a seasoned CEO to help us get to the next level.”

    SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. – LaSalle Medical Associates has hired Duane E. Whittington as their new Chief Executive Officer. “We conducted a very thorough search,” says Albert Arteaga, MD, Chairman of LaSalle, “and we were pleased to find a highly qualified local candidate with extensive medical practice management experience.”

    During his 15-plus-year tenure as CAO with Beaver Medical Group, he founded EPIC Health Plan and developed it from its birth to maturity. In June 2021 he was promoted to Chief Executive Officer, overseeing a $700 million enterprise serving 110,000 HMO members.

    Whittington, 55, earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and his MBA from Pepperdine. After graduating from Pepperdine, he was hired as Executive Director for Pacific Physician Services in Redlands.

    He then served as Regional Vice President for First Physician Care in Atlanta, Georgia, followed by a move back to Southern California as a healthcare and technology consultant with Tustin-based The Capitalist Group, LLC.

    Whittington next returned to Redlands as Chief Operations Officer for Inland Health Organization for six years before joining EPIC Management/Beaver Medical Group, as Senior Vice President, and Chief Administrative Officer, responsible for the Accountable Care Services Division.

    “I was approached about a leadership position at LaSalle, an organization I knew had been providing services for over 30 years in the Inland Empire. Due to a recent change in ownership where I was working at the time, I decided to pursue the opportunity,” says Whittington.

    “I met with Dr. Arteaga, the Founder and President of LaSalle. He shared his vision and goals for LaSalle, building on the rich tradition of providing quality healthcare to families with courtesy and respect. Frankly, I found the opportunity to join a physician-led, community-focused provider group to be compelling.

    “I’m super excited to take this position with a truly unique organization. Dr. Arteaga is a remarkable physician-leader and I am looking forward to helping him grow his organization and take it to the next level,” said Whittington.

    Dr. Arteaga says, “We feel very fortunate to add Duane Whittington to our senior executive team. His extensive experience in the healthcare industry as a chief operating officer and chief executive officer showed he was the right choice, right from day one. We are looking forward to benefitting from his management and leadership experience as we continue to grow.”

    LaSalle Medical Associates serves more than 350,000 patients in their clinics and statewide Independent Physicians Association Group (IPA) who are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare, and Covered California, as well as those covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).

    LaSalle staff also help people who come into a clinic without any insurance to become enrolled for a variety of state and federal health coverage.

    For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to LaSalleMedical.com.


    B R I E F: 307 Words

    LaSalle Medical Associates Announces a New CEO

     “LaSalle has grown from one patient to more than 350,000,” says Albert Arteaga, MD, Chairman of LaSalle Medical Associates, “and we want to grow more, so we’ve hired a seasoned CEO to help us get to the next level.”

    SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. – LaSalle Medical Associates has hired Duane E. Whittington as Chief Executive Officer. “We conducted a very thorough search,” says Albert Arteaga, MD, President of LaSalle, “and we found a highly qualified local candidate with extensive medical practice management experience.”

    Whittington, 55, earned his MBA from Pepperdine. After graduating, he served as Executive Director for Pacific Physician Services in Redlands. He went on to serve as a C-suite executive for several healthcare organizations from Redlands to Atlanta, to Tustin, and back again to Redlands in 2000 as COO for Inland Health Organization.

    In 2006 Whittington joined EPIC Management/Beaver Medical Group, as Senior Vice President, and Chief Administrative Officer, responsible for the Accountable Care Services Division. In June 2021 he was promoted to CEO, overseeing a $700 million enterprise serving 110,000 HMO members.

    “With a recent ownership change where I was,” says Whittington, “I started to think about making a change. When I was approached about a leadership role at LaSalle, it turned out the timing was right. Dr. Arteaga shared his goals and intentions and I have to say that I’m super excited to take this position with a truly unique organization. I am looking forward to helping Dr. Arteaga grow his organization and take it to the next level,” said Whittington.

    Dr. Arteaga says, “We feel fortunate to have Duane Whittington on our team. We look forward to benefitting from his management and leadership experience as we continue to grow.”

    For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to LaSalleMedical.com.

    About LaSalle Medical Associates

    LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.

    LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to over 350,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.

    LaSalle-PR-343.5 New CEO at LaSalle Medical

    For More Information call

    Dr. Greg Zerovnik @ (909) 730-8428

    or email Greg.Z@DameronCommunications.com


    LaSalle Clinics Are Ahead of the Curve in Ending Race-Based Medicine

    Dr. Albert and Maria Arteaga

    Dr. Albert and Maria Arteaga, Founders of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. dedicated to ending health care disparities.

    “People of color are tired of being treated differently by doctors because of their skin color. At LaSalle, we pride ourselves on treating all patients with respect and giving them the care, they need, regardless of their ethnicity,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, MD, founder and CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc.

    (Redlands, Calif.)  The American Academy of Pediatrics has announced that it is revising its policies and guidelines to do away with wording that implies or suggests “that races have underlying biological differences that should be factored in medical treatments.”

    In a new policy statement, “Eliminating Race-Based Medicine,” pre-published online May 2, 2022, in Pediatrics, the AAP observes that race is a historically derived social construct that has no place as a biologic proxy. Over the years, the medical field has inaccurately applied race correction or race adjustment factors in its work, resulting in differential approaches to disease management and disparate clinical outcomes.

    “The American Academy of Pediatrics is taking an important step toward dismantling race-based medicine. This effort calls for acknowledging the impact that differential lived experiences have on individual and population health outcomes through a race-conscious health equity lens rather than through approaches that have inappropriately identified skin color as an independent risk-adjusting variable,” Dr. Wright said.

    “Social determinants of health need to be carefully considered in the development of care delivery strategies including factors embedded in broad categories such as access, the physical environmental and community supports. Evidence informed incorporation of these factors is vital in all areas of medicine.”

    Dr. Albert Arteaga, MD, CEO of LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc., says, “As a Latino-owned organization, we have always treated every patient—adult or child—with the most conscientious and rigorous care.

    Many of our doctors and support staff are themselves minorities and they know very well how important it is to make all patients feel comfortable and to deliver to all patients the highest standard, the gold standard, of care.”

    The gold standard of care is a method, procedure or measurement that is widely accepted as being the best available to test for or treat a disease.

    Race-based care has been pervasive for decades. One example is how some pediatricians deal with Black children who may be suffering from a urinary tract infection. According to Dr. Joseph L. Wright, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, from American Academy of Pediatrics, rather than apply the gold standard test, they use a lesser procedure because they assume that Black children don’t get urinary tract infections as often as white children.

    But that is not the case at LaSalle. “When we interview prospective providers, we make sure that they are in sync with our values and standards,” says Dr. Arteaga. “The gold standard is the only standard we apply to the people under our care.”

    After two years of virtual doctor visits, all of LaSalle six clinics are open for person-to-person patient visits. Clinics are now open in San Bernardino, Rialto, Fontana, Hesperia and Victorville.

    “The evolution of modern medicine has produced incredible advancements and accomplishments in health care,” Dr. Wright said. “But we must acknowledge and address the stark inequities that persist in leaving vulnerable populations behind. We are better than this. Now is the time for change.”

    For more information or to make an appointment at a LaSalle Medical Associates Clinic call 1-855-349-6019. Fontana, San Bernardino 17th Street, San Bernardino Mt. Vernon Ave., Rialto and Hesperia.

    About LaSalle Medical Associates

    LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest, independent, and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.

    LaSalle operates six clinics employing more than 100 dedicated healthcare professionals, treating children, adults and seniors in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. LaSalle’s patients are primarily served by Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. LaSalle also accepts Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net, and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) coverage.

    LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high quality patient care to approximately 365,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, and Tulare counties.

    LaSalle-PR-316.2 Gold Standard Care

    For More Information call

    Dr. Greg Zerovnik @ (909) 730-8428‬

    or email Greg.Z@DameronCommunications.com

    Prevent Covid, Measles and Other Disease Outbreaks—Get Your Children Immunized Now!

    Patient Jasmine Cruz of Fontana age 8 with Nurse Megan. Whether your child is starting kindergarten or is a senior in high school, visiting the pediatrician for immunizations should be an important part of back-to-school preparations. Many schools start in August, so it’s not too soon to make that appointment.

    Patient Jasmine Cruz of Fontana age 8 with Nurse Megan. Whether your child is starting kindergarten or is a senior in high school, visiting the pediatrician for immunizations should be an important part of back-to-school preparations. Many schools start in August, so it’s not too soon to make that appointment.

    “It is important not to wait until the last minute,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga, president of LaSalle Medical Associates. “As we get closer to August, more schools will be opening for a new year, and we will become even busier.”

    SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. – Schools start their fall terms soon and that means it’s time to get your children’s annual checkup and vaccinations. From Covid to measles, it takes a concerted effort to prevent outbreaks and parents who care for their children and other people’s children need to make sure their kids’ vaccinations are up to date.

    Some social media posts have claimed that vaccines can cause autism spectrum disorder. This is false. Studies either done by or funded by the Centers for Disease Control have found “…no link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorder] in children.”

    The CDC goes on to say, “The COVID-19 vaccines for children have the same active ingredients as the vaccines given to adults. However, children receive a smaller and more age-appropriate dose that is right for them. The smaller doses were rigorously tested and found to create the needed immune response for each age group. Making it important for your child to get the vaccine made for their age group.”

    Whether your child is starting kindergarten or is a senior in high school, visiting the pediatrician for immunizations should be an important part of back-to-school preparations. Many schools start in August, so it’s not too soon to make that appointment.

    “It is important not to wait until the last minute,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga., president of LaSalle Medical Associates. “As we get closer to August, more schools will be opening for a new year, and we will become even busier.”

    There are four vaccinations all kindergarteners must have before entering school for the first time, said Dr. Cheryl Emoto, medical director for LaSalle Medical Associates. And, as they grow older, children need additional immunizations.

    “Children entering kindergarten should receive boosters for Tdap (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), polio, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and Varicella (chicken pox),” she said.

    If parents have kept up with their child’s immunizations from birth, only booster immunizations for the above diseases are needed. However, they should have also received vaccinations for these and several other diseases prior to age 2, and as kindergarteners may need several doses of immunizations if not “caught up.”

    When children turn 11, they can and should receive the meningitis vaccine for the first time, Dr. Emoto said. The Centers for Disease Control also recommends children this age receive another Tdap (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) booster, she noted.

    Parents can schedule these vaccines shortly after the child’s 11th birthday, but they can also be part of a back-to-school immunization routine for any student, even those over 18.

    “Children older than 11 who have not received these vaccines should also come in to get them,” Dr. Emoto said. “And if you have a teenager who is enrolling in college, planning to live in a dormitory, and hasn’t been vaccinated for meningitis, Covid and other communicable diseases, they should be vaccinated now.”

    Girls aged 9 and older, and young women up to age 26 who have not had a sexual encounter, can receive the vaccine against the human papilloma (HPV) virus. While giving this vaccine to girls in elementary school is not without controversy, many doctors, including those at LaSalle Medical Associates, are highly in favor.

    “The HPV virus is the main cause of cervical cancer,” Emoto explained. “It is important that a girl receive three doses, which are given over a six-month period, before her first sexual encounter in order for the vaccine to be fully effective.”

    One vaccination not available during the back-to-school season is the flu shot. Flu shots are given in the fall when the vaccine becomes available from manufacturers. The CDC also points out, “Hundreds of millions of Americans have safely received flu vaccines over the past 50 years, and there has been extensive research supporting the safety of flu vaccines.”

    “We depend on when the vaccine is shipped,” Emoto said. “We may have flu vaccines in September this year, but in past years it wasn’t until October that we received the vaccine. Once we receive it, we encourage all children six months to 18 years to receive an annual flu vaccine.”

    Children younger than 8 who are being immunized against flu for the first time receive a two-part vaccine, she said. The second dose is given four to six weeks after the first.

    “Healthy children 2 years of age and older have the option of receiving the vaccination as a nasal spray instead of as an injection, Emoto said. The nasal spray is just as effective.”

    LaSalle serves people covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare and Covered California. LaSalle staff have been trained to help people who come into a clinic without any insurance to get signed up for whatever coverage they qualify for.

    LaSalle also accepts patients covered by Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Molina, Care 1st, Health Net and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP). LaSalle cares and it shows.

    For clinic locations and more information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to LaSalleMedical.com.

    For additional information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to lasallemedicalassociates.com.

    B R I E F: 252 Words

    Prevent Covid, Measles and Other Disease Outbreaks—Get Your Children Immunized Now!

    SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. – School starts soon and that means it’s time to get your children vaccinated. From Covid to measles, it takes a concerted effort to prevent outbreaks. Parents who care for their own and other peoples’ children need to make sure their kids’ vaccinations are up to date.

    Visiting the pediatrician for immunizations should be an important part of back-to-school preparations. “It is important not to wait until the last minute,” said Dr. Albert Arteaga., president of LaSalle Medical Associates. “As we get closer to August, more schools will be opening for a new year, and we will become even busier.”

    Four vaccinations all kindergarteners must have include boosters for Tdap (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), polio, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) and Varicella (chicken pox).

    When children turn 11, they should receive the meningitis vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control also recommends children this age receive another Tdap (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) booster, she noted.

    Girls aged 9 and older, and young women up to age 26 who have not had a sexual encounter, can receive the human papilloma (HPV) vaccine. HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer. Flu shots are given in the fall when the vaccine becomes available from manufacturers.

    LaSalle has clinics in San Bernardino, Victorville, Hesperia, Rialto, and Fontana. For more information call (909) 890-0407 or go online to LaSalleMedical.com.

    For additional information about LaSalle Medical Associates, call (909) 890-0407 or go online to lasallemedicalassociates.com.


    About LaSalle Medical Associates

    LaSalle Medical Associates, Inc. is one of the largest independent and Latino-owned healthcare companies in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The corporate office is in Redlands.

    LaSalle is also an Independent Practice Association (IPA) of independently contracted doctors, hospitals, and clinics, delivering high-quality patient care to approximately 365,000 patients in Fresno, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Riverside, San Bernardino and Tulare counties.