Dameron Says The Secret To Increased Sales – Ask for More Customers

“The Community Settlement Association is increasing attendance in their DUI program by asking for more people to attend. Advertising works when it’s done right,” says Carl Dameron.
(SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.) With 24 months of increased employment and retail sales it is quite clear we are in an economic recovery. “But tough economic times convinced too many companies stop advertising their business, or they cut their public relations budget because its easier than cutting people,” says Carl M. Dameron, founder and Creative Director of Dameron Communications, (DameronCommunications.com) a leading public relations and advertising agency serving California.
“The problem is many companies have been so lean for so long they have forgotten they must increase their ad budget to get more customers. They are still in survival mode and afraid to advertise. Waiting could very well be the wrong thing to do now,” said Dameron.
A free brochure from Dameron Communications, Effective Advertising & Public Relations, outlines a step-by-step program to effectively reach a company’s target market, create a positive image of the business and entice their target market to use their products and services.
According to Dameron the solution to increasing business in a changing economy is to change your advertising strategy. “The recession is ending and pent up demand is driving increased traffic and sales at many businesses. Buyers are redefining their purchases based on what they need, not just want.
Dameron offers more solutions to energize or create and implement an effective advertising and public relations strategy.
The program consists of four major components: research, ad development, media planning and placement and finally ad monitoring for effectiveness. While a successful campaign fulfills all four components, a combination of effective planning and consistency is also required to be effective.
Additionally, Dameron’s guide gives information on developing effective public relations, government relations and community relations strategies.
Dameron goes one step further. “If your business needs help sorting out your media options or creating a new message, we will provide you a free one-hour consultation on your advertising, public relation plan.”
For a free copy of Effective Advertising & Public Relations go on line to DameronCommunications.com. For a free one-hour consultation call Carl Dameron at (909) 534-9500.
The Dameron Communications Difference
Dameron Communications’ inspired Advertising; public relations, community relations and government relations work has been winning awards and client accolades for more than 20 years. Uniquely, we blend unsurpassed relationships with proven advertising and public relations methods to deliver winning and measurable results.
We serve clients who make the world a better place – small business or large, government or non-profit, product, service or cause primarily in California’s Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
For more information or a free one-hour consultation call us in (909) 534-9500.
Click her to download the PDF: DC-711 legal effective advertising web
Tags: advertising, business, California, Carl Dameron, Carl M. Dameron, Dameron, economy, get her done, getting it done, increase profit, increase sales, public relations, riverside, San Bernardino, succes, winning
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